How an Old Notebook Shifted my Mindset-and Guidance on How You Can Make It Happen Too!

How an Old Notebook Shifted my Mindset-and Guidance on How You Can Make It Happen Too!

It’s time for me to be a little vulnerable. If this helps even one person, it was well worth it!

I have been feeling a little defeated and unfocused in my business recently. A few clients have paused because they are not working right now, and my in-person workshops, which I had plans to host monthly, are obviously not happening. Both of these have impacted by business income-and it has been letting some doubts creep in. I know we are in a time when so many are seeing huge financial impacts. Many of you reading this are feeling so many emotions around your finances and your businesses right now. These are unprecedented times and while many are starting to return to work, you may still be uncertain about when your income will get back to what it was pre-COVID. I hope that what I am about to share will inspire you and cause you to pause and reflect on how far you have come.

I decided this week that I needed to get some of what has been swirling around in my head out on paper. I’ve been flipping back and forth between excitement about all the ideas to grow my business and feeling blah and like my business had stalled out. I think both situations are cause to put pen to paper and that I likely should have done so sooner. So, I went on a hunt for a notebook with some blank space. I may have a notebook problem, (anyone else??) so I didn’t have to look far. I found my journal from 2019 that I abandoned after Q1 for the next shiny planner. The first morning after brain dumping my thoughts, I flipped to the back and found a few pages that gave me so much clarity that I know the Universe meant for me to find this page.

The title of this page: Things I Want to Buy and Will Manifest Money For!! If that’s not an inspiring title, I don’t know what is. I didn’t date this list, but I can determine based on the timeline that it was from early 2019. To continue with my philosophy of always being transparent, I will share my complete list with an update at the end of this blog in case you are interested. If this you think my list may trigger you to spend on something you don’t need, please don’t scroll down to it. I am sharing to inspire not to trigger or make anyone feel like shit!

The feelings that washed over me as I read the list and added check marks to everything I had actually manifested money for, made me feel so f#cking proud of myself. All of my feelings of defeat disappeared, and my mindset shifted to what is next for me. I have been dreaming and planning ever since. The list was right there in front of me and I could not deny the things that I have been able to achieve financially as a result of the growth in my business. The growth has come through blood, sweat, tears and more importantly, investing and believing in myself. It is so amazing what you can achieve when you have a dream, and a business you are passionate about to your core. I am building this business because I know it is needed, it is what I love, and I have been able to see first-hand that I am changing lives but it also to support my family financially.

If I had not taken the time to write this list, I would not have been able to gain such inspiration and focus from it so here is my challenge to you. Take 5 or 10 minutes, get a notebook and a pen, or even the notes app on your phone and start manifesting. Give the list an inspiring title and get dreaming! Throw a date on it so you know exactly when you wrote it (I wish mine had a date). Then put a reminder in your phone, 6 months, a year, or maybe even 5 years from now to go back and check on it so you can see how far you have come! I’m about to write my own updated list now but as promised here is what my list looks like with updates. :)

 Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to share what is on your list!

·      Airpods - $250, purchased last summer-ish.

·      Winter boots (no cost estimate), didn’t feel the need to purchase because it turns out my boots are fine!

·      Dressy boots (no cost estimate), again, didn’t feel the need to purchase because I haven’t been able to find a pair I like, despite lots of window shopping.

·      Financial Coaching Symposium in Arizona - $3,000, made this investment last Spring and it was one of the best investments for my business I could have made. I remember writing this down, with the page directly beside it with an itemized list and thinking that it was going to be a big stretch for me. My deal is that business expenses don’t happen unless there is business income to back it up actually in my account. Being able to check this off my list felt so freaking empowering!

·      New office chair - $400, purchased last fall. My hubby has taken my noisy free chair for his work from home office.

·      New sit-stand desk - $800, purchased last month and it arrived and after some speed bumps it is now set up and I love it. Went over budget because I obviously did not do enough research when I was making this list!

·      Home renovations - $60,000, still a goal, but it is down the road a little bit. We want to do it right and gut the whole main floor so that number might even be a little low.

·      Office door - $600, installed earlier this year and I am so damn grateful for it. I believe it was less than that as we had the door, so it was the installation only.

·      Office steps - $400, installed by my hubby and a friend last Spring. Having clients actually able to get to my office without going through the house is so nice!

·      Gym membership (didn’t have a cost estimate), I started at the gym last April and started working with a personal trainer this March. Both have been great investments.

·      New fence - $5,000, our fence is still a mess but hopefully we can install a new one this year. We will be doing a lot of the work ourselves so hopefully we can have friends over soon to help!

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