First Steps to Start Making $ Doing What You Love

First Steps to Start Making $ Doing What You Love

The most important step is knowing what YOUR thing is. That is, finding what you love if you don’t already know. It’s okay not to know, the fact that you are

here is a great sign. It tells me that you are ready to find out what your thing is! This can be a huge roadblock for many, but I am here to help you! I am grateful I had someone help me find what I love to do, and I want to share with you the one question she asked me that opened my eyes.

If money wasn’t a factor, what career would you want, or what business would you start?

If nothing comes to you right away, take quiet time on your own to really think about it. Think about what you love to do. Think about the times when hours flew by for you. What were you doing? Are you the go-to person for a specific topic among your friends and family? Do you love writing, reading or numbers? What gets you excited no matter how tired or busy you are?

If you’re still not sure, start a section on your notes app or in a notebook to jot things down when they come to you. Add a reminder to your phone to review the list regularly and see what ideas come up. This may take some time and that’s alright. Keep your mind open and it will come to you.

When you’re thinking about what your thing is going to be, you can also think a little bit about who you want to work with. If the what doesn’t become clear right away, identifying the who can help you identify the what.

Dream big my friend, there are so many opportunities for you out there. If you are still feeling blocked, and need a little help in this area, shoot me an email @ or drop me a message on Instagram ( We can start chatting about how I can help you find your thing!

Just start already, would you? Stop waiting for the perfect time or when you feel ready, because neither of those things are going to happen. If you find yourself getting in your own way, I highly recommend that you check out my recent blog on How to Ditch the Excuses and Build a Life You Love. We are always our own worst enemy and get in our own way when it comes to taking the big leap of getting started. Know that you won’t have it all figured out when you start, and that you will screw up, but think about what will happen if you never start! It is going to feel a little scary and your path isn’t going to be 100% clear. I like to use the fear in the back of my head to help push me. Someone wants me to do X and it feels a little scary and out of my comfort zone, but it is something I also feel excited about...I say yes!! Saying yes helps me get to the next level.

Pay attention to how social media land is making you feel. For many this is a big part of starting and growing a business but it can also cause a huge comparison trap. If you come across posts and profiles that have you comparing yourself to others, unfollow, block and unfriend accordingly. Focus on curating the information you consume so it is inspiring and motivating to you. When I first started my financial coaching business, I thought it would be helpful to follow other people who were doing what I am doing. In reality, it had me changing what I was going to post or the topics I was going to write about because so-and-so had just posted something similar. I was always second-guessing myself because someone who was further ahead than I was, was doing things very differently. Now I only follow a few others who are doing what I’m doing, and it makes my life so much easier.

Now, the most important thing. You have to start charging for the product or service you are providing! This may sound like a no-brainer, but I promise you, it is not. When you are doing something you love, it can feel wrong to charge. How can you charge for helping someone with something that comes so easily to you? It feels way too easy to make money doing what you love, and that my friend is the goal! This is what I want for everyone.

To make the charging part a little bit easier, I recommend starting with introductory pricing, and mapping out a plan with regular price increases as you gain experience. You can increase your prices based on a specific timeline OR you can increase after you’ve reached other goals in your business. Selling a specific number of items or helping a specific number of people are great metrics to use to increase your prices. When I first started out, I was increasing my prices twice per year. I had my prices mapped out long before I got to the price increase date. Each time I hit one of those dates and looked at my new prices I felt a little fear, but I did it anyway.

I encourage you to push past the fear and take action today. Stop putting off stepping into what you were meant to do.


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