All tagged small biz

ADHD Entrepreneur Tips: How to Handle Procrastination

Procrastination comes in many different versions with ADHD, but they all tend to have the same outcome. Either we miss a deadline or due date, or we stress ourselves out to bend over backwards to still get the thing done in time despite all the procrastination. So, if you are procrastinating because the task isn’t urgent enough yet, you really hate it, or you’re current hyper-focus is pulling you away, I’ve got a list of things you can try to help you move out of procrastination mode!

Starting a Business? Do YOU! Not What Others are Doing!

If you have already hit the wall of burn-out and resentment, it’s time to take a step back and figure out what is draining your energy and giving you the feeling of resentment. Focus on how you can do more of what you love, and less of the things that drain you. The truth is, even if you are doing the thing you love, there will still be things you’ll have to do that you DON’T love.