All in ADHD Entrepreneur

The ADHD Entrepreneur: How to Increase Your Income

Once you start understanding your finances, you’ll find that a lot of the fear and anxiety starts to fade (I know it seems too good to be true, but trust me, I see it all the time with my clients). You’ll feel more in control, more empowered, and more prepared to take on the challenges that come your way. And here's the kicker: when you're not subconsciously holding yourself back, you open the door to more opportunities and more income.

The ADHD Entrepreneur: Money Mindset Shifts

A scarcity mindset around money can be like a leaky bucket for your business. When you constantly worry that there’s not enough to go around, you might underprice your services, hesitate to invest in tools or resources that could help you grow, or avoid taking calculated risks that could pay off in the long run. It will also impact sales conversations with potential clients and customers because when you feel scarcity, it brings a different vibe to those conversations and people feel that! And all of this impacts your bottom line.

The ADHD Entrepreneur: How to Be the Boss of Your Business and Personal Finances

Out of sight, out of mind is a common ADHD trait that is a big challenge for me (you can tell by looking at my coffee table). That’s why visual reminders can be incredibly effective in keeping your finances on track. Whether it’s a sticky note on your computer or a chart on your wall, these reminders can help you stay focused on your financial goals.