Starting a Business? Do YOU! Not What Others are Doing!

Starting a Business? Do YOU! Not What Others are Doing!

When starting your own business it’s tempting to start scrolling and searching out others who are in the same field. This can be a dangerous thing! It is SO hard to stop yourself from making comparisons when looking at what others are doing. Stop looking at Suzy Successful! What works for her, probably won’t work for you! You are unique! Focus on yourself, your business, and staying on top of being YOU! Otherwise you’ll end up burnt out on harsh feelings and start to resent your business.

Spinning Tires on Growing Your Biz?

It can be frustrating AF to try so hard to have all of your shit together and watch Suzy Successful look like she’s killing it, but your biz has hit a wall. Are you trying to do what Suzy is doing? STOP! You are 2 very different people and that means your business, even if it’s in the same field, will be very different. Just because something is working for her, doesn’t mean you need to run around playing catch-up to do the same thing. Here is what I recommend:

Unfollow Suzy and anyone else that gets you down, has you comparing, or makes you feel like you are behind in your biz.

Take time to step back and identify the things that make you unique! YES! You do have unique qualities!

Once you’ve found your unique qualities, lean into them! Letting those qualities shine is what’s going to get your business growing!

As a business owner, specifically a small business owner, there is not a lot of separation between you and your business. The more people know about you, the more people feel they REALLY know you and what you’re about, the better your business will do. Let your unique qualities shine and your IDEAL clients will start showing up!

Finding Your Unique Qualities

It can be a difficult thing to sit down and think about the how and why of your unique qualities. I recommend starting a journal to reflect on who you are, what you believe in and get those thoughts onto paper for you to come back to. A written reminder when you hit a bump in the road is never a bad thing! You can also ask loved ones who you trust what type of special qualities they think of you having. Sometimes we don’t see anything unique in ourselves until someone we love tells us how they see us from their perspective. Be sure to ask those who you trust!

Burnt Out? Resenting Your Biz?

If you have already hit the wall of burn-out and resentment, it’s time to take a step back and figure out what is draining your energy and giving you the feeling of resentment. Focus on how you can do more of what you love, and less of the things that drain you. The truth is, even if you are doing the thing you love, there will still be things you’ll have to do that you DON’T love. Look into things such as:

  • Putting a new system into place to make tasks easier.

  • Think about hiring help!

  • Hire a coach to help keep you on track, or help you put systems in place to stop feeling the burn out!

Success on the Internet/Social Media is NOT Always What it Seems

Please keep in mind that the social media accounts you follow that might be bringing you down, are not always honest with their success. Maybe they are crazy successful and have built an amazing business for themselves, and that’s great! But often people do not share how hard it was to get there. Sometimes behind the camera, or well written words is someone who hasn’t cleaned their office in 4 weeks, is also feeling down or overwhelmed themselves, or maybe hasn’t had a client call in weeks!

Random example: I recorded reels with my office a disaster, in my jogging pants, with an ugly pimple on my face, in a room with no heat! Because I’m too cheap to heat it! But did you guys see it on camera?

Remember to be you, do NOT always assume that Suzy Successful has her shit together and that you’re behind because you’re not! We all have to go at our own pace and find OUR path! Don’t copy others, find the unique qualities in yourself that you can offer to your audience. If you’re ready for some help to make things easier for you, or find those unique qualities you have to offer, CLICK HERE to book a free 30 Minute Discovery Call. I would love to help you get on track and grow a business you love!


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