All tagged personal growth

Starting a Business? Do YOU! Not What Others are Doing!

If you have already hit the wall of burn-out and resentment, it’s time to take a step back and figure out what is draining your energy and giving you the feeling of resentment. Focus on how you can do more of what you love, and less of the things that drain you. The truth is, even if you are doing the thing you love, there will still be things you’ll have to do that you DON’T love.

Money Lessons from COVID

By being more intentional with our spending. Taking what you have learned and using it to help keep you super focused! My life event that caused this shift was getting fired. I am so grateful that it opened our eyes and shifted our spending habits to be super intentional.

Where Did Your Money Mindset Come From?

Even if all the signs from your childhood point to the adults in your life having a positive mindset, that does not immediately translate into you having one as well. There is so much more that contributes to your mindset, we all have so many experiences with money beyond our childhood memories.

How is Your Money Mindset?

Mindset, it’s almost a buzzword these days. So many people are talking about it. They’re saying you need to work on it, that working on it will change your life and that it impacts. ALL parts of your life, which is SO true, but today, let’s start at the beginning.

How to Level Up Your Goals

There is one way to really hold yourself back when it comes to your goals, and that is to set one target for a specific goal, and be done with it. I want so much more for you, I want you to really challenge yourself to achieve so much more. That is why I want you to set three different levels of achievement with your goals.