Red Flags When Hiring a Coach!

Red Flags When Hiring a Coach!

Investing in a coach to help get your business started, or get your financial shit together is a huge step to get you on the road to living your dream life! But there are plenty of coaches out there that promise 10K months, or a 6 figure income in your first year of business, and the reality is that what they are offering you, they can’t guarantee! These are the kinds of things to run from when looking to hire a coach to help you work towards your big, scary goals! While these things are possible for you and your business, these ‘coaches’ are trying to sell you ‘magic pills’ that do NOT exist! A 10k month right away and a 100k your first year depend on you showing up, getting uncomfortable, of course hiring a coach will help you an immense amount, but they won’t do the work for you!

Finding a Coach!

A great way to search for and get to know coaches is social media! It gives you the opportunity to see what they’re all about, including their business and getting a feel for their overall ‘vibe’. Most people are scrolling at some point during their day anyways, so tagging in a search for a business coach or whatever type of coach you need while you’re doing so is easy! Be sure to reach out through their DM’s, check out all of their social media platforms, look for testimonials from past clients, check out their website, and sign up for their newsletters! These are all great ways to get to know who a coach is before signing up with them.

Free Discovery Calls are a MUST

When looking for a coach it is important to know who you are hiring before hitting that ‘book’ button on their website. I 100% recommend looking for coaches who offer free discovery calls, especially if the coaching will be one-on-one. Having this call, which is usually over video, will give you a great idea of who the coach is and if you have any connection with them. This means there will be less of a chance of the working relationship failing or getting stuck in a contract with someone you really don’t get along with!

Ask Questions!

There are many different coaches out there with many different coaching styles to go along with them. Having an understanding of their coaching style before hiring them is a super important thing to know. So, ask questions!

  • You can ask them directly what type of coaching style they have, or ask them how they would respond to different situations. For example, ask them how they would react if you were to be coached by them but you were not taking action towards your goals.

  • You can also ask them about their personal experiences with the same type of goals you are looking to work towards. This could provide insight on how they can help you reach your goals.

Don’t be scared to ask questions or reach out multiple times before making a final decision. Having a coach can have a huge impact on your life and goals, and is a financial investment, you want to make sure you find someone that is a good fit!

Long-Term Packages VS. Short-Term Sessions

Some coaches offer one-off sessions and others offer long-term packages, some offer both! If the thought of a long-term package scares you off from a potential coach, remember that sometimes coaches have learned along the way that their clients need support for a longer period of time. The success of their clients is what drives their programs, so if they don’t offer one-off sessions, it’s probably because they’ve already realized they don’t work for their IDEAL client. Depending on the type of support you are looking for from a coach, keep in mind that short sessions are not always better, even if they are easier on the bank account! It all really depends on your goals, your business and the amount of support you think you will need to succeed!

Red Flags!

Keep an eye out for these red flags when searching for a coach:

  • Many coaches claim to be selling ‘10K months’ and ‘6 figure first years’! This is almost impossible for coaches to promise, as they CAN’T predict what you will achieve based on their support and guidance. There is 1 key variable that they can’t predict, and that is YOU!

  • If a coach is promising you x, y, and z in a very rigid timeline, avoid them!

  • Keep in mind that most countries do NOT have rules or requirements on calling yourself a coach. This can be great if you want to start up a coaching business, but means when searching for a coach you really need to do your homework on them!

What is my promise as a coach? I will guide you, push you when you need it and support you in your journey to start or grow your business and leave the J-O-B you hate. Tough love will be given on days I know you need it, to keep you on track and showing up for YOURSELF! I am ready to support you in following your dreams and leaving behind the 9-5 that makes you miserable. CLICK HERE to book a no charge 30 minute Discovery Call with me to see if we are a good fit. With guidance, support and a cheerleader in your corner, you can achieve anything!


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