How to Smash Your 2022 Business Goals!

How to Smash Your 2022 Business Goals!

January 1st is just around the corner, and business owners are ready to come out of the gate running with their business goals! I don’t have a crystal ball to tell you what 2022 has in store for us, but I do know that failing to plan out your goals will hold you back from achieving big things. Here are some actions to take to grow your business, and tips on how to smash the shit out of your 2022 goals.

3 Tips to Keep Your Goals on Track

Tip 1 - This one may seem obvious, but sometimes during the hustle and bustle of this season things are forgotten. Actually plan your goals! Get them on paper, in an excel sheet, or somewhere you have easy access to them throughout the year. You will be checking in on your goals often, so make sure where you store them is accessible!

Tip 2 - After you have your goals on paper/in technology, share them with someone you love and trust. Someone who will be a little bit of an accountability buddy. Sharing with someone you speak to often and have a trusting relationship with can be a huge step to helping you achieve and stay on track with your goals. Set a regular date with them to check in with each other!

Tip 3 - Use reminders on your phone to make sure you’re checking in on your goals regularly. When you get busy, it can be easy to get caught up in other things and forget about that excel spreadsheet full of goals. I recommend setting a reminder to check in on your goals at least monthly, but weekly is even better!

Good, Better, Best Goals

Having your goals written down somewhere is great! But now that you have some goals, let’s break them down into different levels! Sometimes a goal is set for the year and it only takes 6 or 10 months to hit that goal. Having different levels for that single goal can mean achieving something even bigger than your original goal! Here is an example:

You set a goal to increase your business income by $20,000 for 2022. Using information from your business from the last year, you have made a goal that will be challenging for you to reach but also attainable. Now, what happens when your business income reaches your goal by August? You’ve reached your goal! That’s amazing! But it’s only August! So, make your $20,000 increase your ‘Good’ goal, but also have prepared a ‘Better’ goal of $25,000 and a ‘Best’ goal of $30,000! This means you won’t completely let off the gas when you meet your ‘Good’ goal earlier in the year than you expected!

In this level system, your ‘Best’ goal should feel so challenging that you can’t even imagine HOW you will meet it! You can also level up and add in a ‘Holy Shit’ goal that feels impossible to meet. Imagine bypassing all levels of your goal and actually hitting your ‘Holy Shit’ goal by the end of the year!

I would love to hear what big goals you have planned for your business in 2022! Send me an email to share one of your big goals with me, or if you aren’t sure on what actions to take to achieve it! I can’t wait to hear from you!


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