Beyond Resolutions: An ADHD Guide to Hitting Your Financial Goals

Beyond Resolutions: An ADHD Guide to Hitting Your Financial Goals

Screw those New Year's resolutions; let's talk about real, actionable strategies tailored just for you. Today, we're diving into how to set and smash your financial goals.

I get it. Time blindness, procrastination, and getting sidetracked on a dozen sidequests can make hitting or even setting goals challenging AF. I’ve been there, done that. 😬 But fear not, we're turning those challenges into our superpowers.

1. Embrace the ADHD Brain

First things first, let's not fight our brains; let's learn how to work with them. Our minds are wired differently, and that's a beautiful thing. It's time to own it. It’s time to let your brain run wild for a few minutes because we start with brainstorming the goals you want to focus on.

  • Grab your sticky notes and fancy pens

  • Set a timer for 5 minutes

  • Spend the 5 minutes writing down any goals you want to achieve

  • Dream big; if a goal comes to mind, write it down

2. Narrow your Focus

You’ve got a wall or table full of sticky notes. Now what? It’s time to lean into your gut and focus on what your top priorities are.

  • Start by sorting all the goals you wrote down based on their timeline

  • Sort into short-term (next year), medium-term (2-5 years), long-term (5+ years)

  • Dial in on the the short-term goals and sort them in order of how important they are to you

  • The one at the top of your list is the one to focus on first ✨

3. Let’s Break it Down

It’s time to take that goal make it crystal clear and break it down into bite-sized chunks. The goal may feel a little unclear and overwhelming, but taking it one step at a time can help you stay motivated and focused. To clarify your goal, you need to make it really specific. Change a vague goals of ‘I want to pay off my debts’ to ‘I will pay off my $5,000 balance on my ABC credit card in the next 12 months’. Then break it down to small steps. Tracking your small wins along the way can make them as exciting as that new hyperfocus.

4. Take Action

Having the goal and breaking it down is important, but thinking about the actions that will get you there is equally important. Think about what actions will help get you to your goal. For the goal of paying off credit card debt, a few actions that could help you are:

  • Removing your credit card from online shops (like Amazon) 🫣

  • Trying not to use your credit card for new purchases

  • Paying off new purchases right away

  • Calling your credit card company to see if they can reduce your interest rate

  • You could even cut up your credit card if you know having it will create temptation for you

5. Track Your Progress

Tracking is an important step on the path to hitting your goals. If spreadsheets are your jam, use them to map out your journey, but there are many other options. Making it visual with a whiteboard or a printout you can fill in as you hit each of your small steps can give you a little dopamine hit. ADHD doesn't get along with boring, so explore different tracking methods until you find one that works for you.

6. Harness the Power of Small Wins

Ever heard of the domino effect? Start with a tiny goal, knock it down, and watch the momentum build. Small wins breed confidence, and confidence fuels our ADHD engines. This is why I recommend starting with a short-term goal and breaking it down into small steps. 🤑 Achievable goals pave the way to crushing the big ones.

7. Add in Some Deadline Magic

Our frenemy, procrastination, loves to crash the party. Beat it at its own game with deadlines. No, not the soul-sucking, stress-inducing kind. Set up deadlines for each step along the path to your goal. Use timers, alarms, or bribes (I'm talking chocolate or a guilty pleasure) to keep the procrastination monster in check.

8. Accountability BFFs

We're in this together, right? Share your goals with someone you trust – a friend, a partner, or even a fellow ADHDer. Accountability partners are like superheroes in disguise, keeping you on track when distractions try to steal the spotlight. There’s nothing like someone else counting on us to get shit done to get us motivated! Plus, celebrating victories is way more fun with a buddy.

9. Make It Personal

Forget generic goals; let's make them as unique as you are. What fires you up? Travel, daily lattes, or being the frugal wizard? Your goals should align with what brings you joy. Screw societal expectations; this is about YOUR happiness. Don’t let what others are trying to accomplish or what they share on IG pull you away from what is important to you. ♥️

So, my ADHD friend, toss those generic resolutions out the window. Embrace your quirks, set realistic goals, and let's make this year the one where we redefine success on our terms. You've got this, and I'm right here cheering you on. Now go kick some goal-setting ass! 🚀💪

If you’ve got big financial goals you want to achieve and are feeling overwhelmed with where to start, I’d love to chat with you during a free consultation to see if working together is right for you.

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