Motivation is Bullshit!

Motivation is Bullshit!

Accountability is Key!

Yes, you read that right, motivation is BULLSHIT! It shows up in exciting, yet short bursts that have you doing ALL of the things! Or at least planning to do ALL of the things. It may only be a couple hours later when you crash and everything you planned now seems like an impossible list of tasks/goals you may not enjoy doing. Is it eating vegetables daily? Never making a superfluous purchase with your credit card again? Is it all of these things at the same time?! I can bet your motivational feeling will dissipate within days, if not sooner! Know that you are not alone in the struggle to push yourself to get tasks done. If you have been beating yourself up for avoiding tasks that you know you should do, but have zero desire to do them, keep reading for some tips on how to get them done!

Accountability Buddy

This is a big one for myself. Having an accountability buddy, or several, can help you stay on track with your tasks and goals. There are several different ways to incorporate an accountability buddy into your business or personal life!

Friend/Partner - This needs to be someone who will CHALLENGE you when you get off track. Be selective with who this person is and be sure to set up a trial period so you can both opt out if it isn’t a good fit.

Coaching - You can also invest in a coach if you are ready to make changes that you have been working on for months, or even years! They are a huge encouragement for you to smash your goals, open your mind to what is possible for you, and help you stay on track. There are many coaches for you to choose from depending on the tasks that you have been putting off. A few options are:

  • Health and fitness experts. Ex. Personal Trainer

  • Business Coach/Consultant

  • Life Coach

  • Accountability Coach

  • Financial Coach (Is this one the reason you are here???)

Consequences or Positive Reinforcement

Having either negative consequences or positive reinforcement can help you stick to your deadlines. The most often used of these 2 options is positive reinforcement, as it is by far the most commonly known.

Negative Consequences - Knowing that something negative awaits you if a deadline is missed can be a great way to keep yourself on track. Who wants to lose out on a coffee or lunch date because they didn’t finish the thing they said they would? Nobody! Use a few of these common negative consequences to get shit done!

Purchase something for someone else! You know what will make you work even harder/faster? Purchasing something you really don’t want that person to have, but they really want!

Give someone else some of your hard earned money!

Do something you don’t enjoy doing, but someone in your life loves. The key here is to be HAPPY while doing it. After-all, it isn’t your special someone's fault you didn’t make that deadline!

Miss out on doing something you have been looking forward to. Lunch date on the weekend with your bestie? Not if you don’t hit that deadline!

Someone wants to go play a round of golf, or get their nails done! The catch? They miss out on these activities if you do not hold up your end of the bargain! Do you want someone to miss out on some fun because you did not complete all the tasks you said you would? NO!

There are so many options here! I’m sure if you sat down and put some thought into it, you could come up with many different negative consequences to keep you on track!

Positive Reinforcement - This is last on my list because EVERYONE knows about it. You do the tasks, meet the deadline and you get a reward.

  • You hit that workout goal for the month? Now you can purchase the new outfit you’ve been eyeing all week!

  • You got your bookkeeping done? Make that lunch date with a friend!

  • You stuck to your meal plan for a month? Buy the chocolate bar you’ve been avoiding at the grocery store!

The goal here is to put a system into place that works for you long-term. This system needs to be sustainable and realistic. Don’t ask your best friend to be your accountability partner if you already know they’ll let things “slide”, or give you a “free-pass” on your tasks and deadlines. Count on someone who will put their foot down! Get creative with those negative consequences or positive reinforcements and find what works for you!


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