No Dave Ramsey Restriction Here!!

No Dave Ramsey Restriction Here!!

Dave Ramsey? Not Here! I’m here to say it again. I am NOT Dave Ramsey! He has helped many people in his financial career but not everyone can benefit from his rigid views. I am here to say there are other options! If you have been looking for help financially and Dave Ramsey’s program doesn’t sit well with you, you have come to the right place! Let’s talk about a topic that Dave and I don’t agree on. It could be a red-flag for you to avoid Dave Ramsey!

Expensive Hobbies? NO!

Dave Ramsey’s view on expensive hobbies? A very resounding NO! Enjoy golfing but the monthly dues are upwards of $100.00? Dave Ramsey says there is no room in your budget for it! Are you a crafter? He asks if you spend a lot of money in craft stores, do you ever get around to starting your crafting projects? Because there is no room for that either!

My take on expensive hobbies? PLAN for them! If you have a hobby that is super important to you and you understand what the REAL cost is, BUDGET for it. Golf for example, is not just monthly or yearly dues coming from your account. You have to purchase clubs, tees, clothing, meals/snacks, and probably a few drinks during or after each round you play. Just as crafting is not only supplies needed for 1 project. You may get halfway through it and realize you need to take a 30 minute drive back to the craft store for something to bring your craft project to the next level! Now you need to include gas costs. You also need to keep all of your crafting supplies organized somehow. Budget for things like organizers for all of your supplies to go into as well!

A few words of CAUTION:

If you have an expensive hobby, avoid plans that involve “buy now, pay later!” The first time you hear about a plan to stretch payments over 3, 6 or 12 months, it may sound great! Pay with money you HAVE, do NOT add to already existing debt.

Do NOT golf, craft, ski or do ANYTHING because your friends love it. It needs to be because YOU love it!

In our household, my husband LOVES golf! He proves it each year with a sock tan that would put others tan-lines to shame! So, we put money aside for the hobby he loves each payday for the entire year. He absolutely LOVES golf, but this did not stop him from sacrificing it the year I was fired. He did not play golf once after the day I got fired! Now we make sure golf costs are a part of our budget each year to make sure he can continue to do the thing he loves.

Yes, or No?

It is purely up to you if you prefer to attempt to follow the advice that Dave Ramsey has given many of his previous clients. He has built himself quite the following! But I want you to know that there are more options than his black or white programs! If you are ready to build a budget for yourself that includes the things you love CLICK HERE to download my free budget tool so you don’t have to do any of the math!! You can decide for yourself what is important in your life and budget! !


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