I am NOT Dave Ramsey!! I Want YOU to be Debt Free, but I Won’t Shame You to get You There!!

I am NOT Dave Ramsey!! I Want YOU to be Debt Free, but I Won’t Shame You to get You There!!

I’d love to see some statistics that show how many people Dave’s hard-ass inflexible views around money and budgeting have scared away from making changes with their money.. How many people has he shamed into thinking they are failures and doomed to be broke forever.. How many toxic money relationships has he caused? Yes, I know that he has had a huge impact on the lives of so many people but I believe that he has caused more harm than good to so many people.

I am here to set the record straight and tell you that I am not Dave! Not even a little bit. His philosophies, methods and beliefs are so far from what I believe, and how I help my clients that this needs to be said.

✅ One of the only things I Dave an I do agree on, is that we don't want you to be held back because of money. We want you to have a plan and feel in control.⠀

Now here are just a few of the points that I disagree with whole heartedly.⠀

🚩 If you’ve ever listened to his podcast, I’m sure you’ve picked up on his attitude by how he responds to people. His views are so rigid that there is NEVER any reason to debate from his 7 Baby Steps. NO REASON EVER! If you do, to say he will rip a strip off of you is an understatement.

✅ My take: While I’m no yogi, my views around money are about as flexible as they can get. We are all individuals with different priorities, beliefs and goals. You could have the exact same financial snapshot as another client and your plan could include $500/month for vacations because they are a priority to you and your money ‘twin’ could have $0 for vacations because they are laser focused on getting out of debt. You are an individual, not a cookie cutter repeat of everyone around you!⠀

🚩 This one really makes my blood boil. Uncle Dave has rigid views about what a couple is. A couple is a married man and woman. PERIOD. And the only way for a couple to manage their finances is together! He used to openly publish this information but from what I understand, has now removed it, but do you think that is because his views have changed?

✅ My take: It is 2021! You love who you love and if you don’t want to get married (or worse want to and can’t), that doesn’t mean you aren’t a couple. If you want to combine your finances, great. Want to keep them separate, that’s also great. Want to find a different way? GREAT! If you are actively managing your money (or want to start), no matter who you are, who you love, and how you choose to manage it, I am excited for you!

🚩 You shouldn't see the inside of a restaurant unless you are working in it! ⠀

✅ My take: If it is a priority in your life, let's figure out how to make it work in your budget. ⠀

🚩 NEVER use credit cards, EVER! Daves rule is cut them up so you can’t use them.⠀

✅ I know credit cards can get you into a lot of trouble. I have also read lots of information on how using credit cards increases your spending, so I do recommend that for most of my clients they put their credit cards away, at least for a little bit. If a client chooses to keep using credit cards, our focus is always on using them like a debit card for new purchases AND most importantly, having a plan to save to pay for something before you buy it. But sometimes life happens, especially when you are new to actively managing your money. If life happens and you only have a little bit saved, sometimes that best decision is to use a credit card. That’s right, I said it!! Yes, sometimes you can wait and save up, but it is not always an option.

🚩 Save $1,000 in your emergency fund before you tackle debt, then throw every extra penny at your debt and never use debt for anything ever again.⠀

✅ I'm just going to say it! This won't work for everyone. Part of the discussion I have with my clients is what potential financial emergencies could happen and how they would respond to them. Then they are prepared if they do happen because we have a plan for it!⠀

🚩 No fun until you are debt free (except your mortgage). No extras, EVERY PENNY above your needs goes to debt.⠀

✅ This is okay for some people but for most, especially if you have a lot of debt to pay off, it is too much. I equate gazelle intensity to sprinting. You can only do it for a short period of time before you hit a wall, then you collapse. I prefer to have you work some fun into your plan so that it is sustainable long term. Then if it makes sense, you can have periods where you sprint for short periods of time to speed up your debt pay off.⠀

Basically I am here to tell you I am NOT Dave Ramsey. If he is the reason you have been putting off making a plan for your money, stop that shit!! Don’t let Dave’s very narrow beliefs and rigid rules put you off from making a plan to get on top of your money! If you want to learn more about me, if you aren’t already, join me on Instagram!

If you know you need help to make changes with your money, and you feel aligned with my take on all things finance, I’d love to connect with you on a no charge 20 minute video chat. We will get to know one another to see if we are a good fit to work together, and talk about the changes you are looking to make. CLICK HERE to book a time that works for you. Can’t wait to meet you!

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