5 Ways to Find Dream Clients!

5 Ways to Find Dream Clients!

It’s not a magic pill or a one size fits all plan to find your dream clients, but, they aren’t going to come unless you put in the work!

Here are the top 5 ways to find clients with a new business!

1 - It’s free, you’re likely already spending time there, now it’s time to put it to good use! Social media is a wonderful way to connect with new people and find clients that need exactly what you have to offer. It won’t happen overnight, but getting consistent is the path to revenue in your business. You don’t need a big following to make it happen, but you do need to let your followers know you. How? A big way is to let them see your face. I know it can be nerve racking, but it gets easier with practice and it’s important to let them get to know you.

Here are a few ways to convert your followers to clients:

  • Share your story. Why did you start your business? Who is your ideal client? How do you help your ideal clients get results?

  • Share about yourself. A great way to do this is by sharing about your business and you through video content!

  • Talk about your services. Talk about them way more than you feel comfortable doing because social media does not show all of your content to all of your followers, so, don’t worry about repeating yourself!

2 - Offer a promo. It is an amazing way to bring people into your business and create raving fans! When working out the details of your promo, include the number of clients that you will offer it to, and be sure to let everyone know that there are only so many spots available. You don’t want to fill up your calendar with this promo and not have room to welcome clients after your promo offer is full.

Promo Ideas:

  • Add in a bonus, maybe it’s access to an online resource that you have or a little extra time with you.

  • A referral bonus encourages past clients or loved ones to share about your services and send clients your way.

  • You could collab with another business owner that serves a similar client base and explore options for a joint promo.

3 - This one can be the most difficult for an independent new business owner, but it can also be the most effective! ASK FOR HELP! Yup, I said it. Ask the people that care about you for help. Who do they know that could benefit from your services? Could they share a post (maybe a post about your new promo)? Do they have a business location that they could put a flier up for you? I know it can feel like you’re putting people out, but if they care about you, they will want to support you!

Set yourself a goal for each day or week to reach out to a specific number of people and ask them for help. As a business owner, you are very likely goal driven and having this as a goal can encourage you to do something consistently that you aren’t excited about!

Bonus tip: Find a few business besties! My experience is that other business owners love to support one another. If you aren’t sure where to find them, networking events and meets ups are great opportunities. You can also look for local FB groups for small business owners. Know that there are so many others looking for support and you aren’t alone!

Being an entrepreneur can feel like a rollercoaster, but getting consistent with methods to bring in new business is the foundation that will build a strong business!


P.S. I’d love to support you if you’re new to social media for your business. Email me a link to your account so I can give you a follow!

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