Ditch the Excuses and START Your Biz!

Ditch the Excuses and START Your Biz!

Stepping out into the world of entrepreneurs and business ownership is overwhelming AF! It’s a HUGE world of so many people and so many different niches! But if you feel pulled to be your own boss, this world is more than worth navigating for the freedoms it can bring. Your own hours, your own clientele, doing what you love! The list goes on! But often I find my clients have a list of things they feel they need to do, or have before starting their own business. This list is usually full of items I promise you don’t NEED to do or have to start your business. The list usually includes the following:

  • I need MORE education!

  • I need a website!

  • I need $___ to start a business!

  • I need MORE experience!

A website is something I thought was essential to starting my own business! I grew my business for over 1.5 years without a website! They are helpful, but don’t let a website or any of these other things hold you back from starting your business!

Where to Start

There are a few things I recommend focusing on when starting up your own business. Keep in mind some of these steps are a little more complicated than others. It all depends on where you are in the decision making process!

Step 1 - Making the decision of what your business will be! This may be something you’ve already decided, or it could be one of those things holding you back. Sometimes seeing the skills we have to offer others is not easily seen by ourselves. Here are a few things you can do to get closer to making the decision on just what your business could be:

  • Think about things you love to do, the things you do where time passes in the blink of an eye when you’re doing them. If time goes by quickly, it’s probably because you really ENJOY doing that THING! Lean into that!

  • Make a list of the skills you have, no matter how small they are! Really dig into what you CAN do and then choose 3-4 skills on the list you enjoy the most.

  • Ask friends, family, or co-workers what they think your greatest skills are. Quite often others can see skills we have more clearly than we can!

  • If you’re still not clear on what entrepreneurship could look like for you, book a 30 minute no charge Discovery Call with me! This is one of my super powers! I love digging into what makes people excited and what they enjoy doing with the end goal being a business start-up! I have a unique ability to be able to see what is possible for you, even when you can’t see it yourself. CLICK HERE to book so we can chat about what you enjoy doing most.

Step 2 - After you’ve decided what type of business you are going to start, it’s time to put together what you will offer. Think about options/packages that you can offer to help your potential clients using your skills! I highly recommend keeping things simple! Make 1 or 2 options for clients to work with you. The more options you have, the more difficult it will be for potential clients to decide to work with you!

Step 3 - Set up your systems! There are more than a few systems you can put in place to keep you on track, keep your biz growing, and have clients easily booking with you. I recommend first setting up a scheduler/booking program so potential clients can easily and quickly book time with you. The easier it is to book a discovery call with you, the higher the chance your IDEAL clients will book with you. Other systems you can look into when starting up your business:

  • Payment options for your clients is also essential. Simple is better here as well!

  • A separate bank account for your business is also something to think about early on! The earlier you separate personal and business, the better!

  • Having a system in place to manage your clients and make sure you don’t drop the ball on any details is also a great thing to look into. These systems can look very different for everyone! I personally love phone reminders and my notes app. Others may prefer a tracking app, such as Trello, or a tracking spreadsheet. Focus on what works for YOU!

Remember, we all have skills to offer others! It may not seem obvious to you, because those skills may come to you so easily! What one person loves and excels at, another will hate and avoid doing! Dream big and believe that YOU do have something to offer!


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