How to Ditch the Excuses and Build a Life You Love

How to Ditch the Excuses and Build a Life You Love

There’s this thing that you want to do. Maybe you’ve shared it with a few people that are close to you, or maybe it’s been cooped up in your head. It feels a little scary! You’ve been thinking about it for a while, but you haven’t taken action. You couldn’t possibly make this thing, your dream, a reality! Because... (you’ve got a list of ‘reasons’ why you can’t in your head, and it’s a long one).

If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’m a straight shooter. You may even know that I LOVE gently encouraging you to take action, so you can be happy and stop dreading certain things in your life (except the dentist, keep dreading that, they have drills and needles)!! So, today I am going to list the top 4 excuses that you’re using to hold yourself back from doing the thing. The thing that you know will be difficult and scary every step of the way.


Now listen, I am not saying there is no legitimacy to some of these things holding you back. But I don’t want you to allow them to stop you from taking action. Whatever your thing is, if it is important to you, you will find a way. Now, let’s dive in! I can help you break free of your excuses.

You don’t have enough time.

Everyone is busy. Everyone is juggling a lot of things. The truth is, you find time to do the things that are most important to you. I used to feel so busy before I got fired, but the truth was that outside of working 50 - 60 hours a week (and sleeping of course), I still had time to add other things into my life. I chose not to because, at the time, I didn’t know any better.

Let’s do a little math here:

  • 60 hours of work and commuting time.

  • 56 hours of sleep (7 x 8 - because I love my sleep).

  • We’re at 116 hours so far.

  • Out of 168 hours, that leaves us with 52 hours.

  • Let’s add in an hour a day to workout out and another hour for personal care.

  • 8 hours a week of chores and taking care of life!

  • 2 hours a day for family/friends.

  • That still leaves 16 hours!! 16!!

I know everyone's life looks different, so I encourage you to do this for yourself. Find where your time is really going! Take a step back, think about how you can reallocate some of it to something that is more important than Netflix and vegging on the couch. If your long term goal is to start and grow a business so it can become your full-time gig, the reality is that to start it now, you are going to have to add something to your plate.

Resources to help you: Tracking your time can be a huge help in this department. Try using the Toggl time tracker app to see how you are spending your time.

You don’t have enough money.

Let’s get real here. If you think you’ll never have enough money to build the life you really want, you my friend, are 100% right. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. If you have a case of the I-can’t-afford-it’s, you’ve got some work to do. It’s time to work on a budget AND your money mindset.

To work on your budget and see your full financial picture CLICK HERE to download my free budget tool. Better yet, CLICK HERE to book a no charge 20 min Discovery Call with me to learn how I can help you smash your money goals and get to work on building your dream life.

Working on your mindset begins with understanding where you have come from. Check out recent blog posts on mindset.

How is Your Mindset

Where Did Your Money Mindset Come From

How to Flip Your Money Mindset

You aren’t smart enough.

This is going to sound so cheesy! But if you think you aren’t smart enough, chances are that you in fact, are plenty smart enough! That’s it, that’s all I’m going to say. So, go soak on that!

There are already so many people doing the thing I want to do.

No matter how many people are out there doing that thing you want to do, there is only one YOU! There is not a single person out there who is doing it exactly like you will. You have unique gifts to offer and there are people out there who are waiting for you! There are a lot of other coaches out there that will help you start and grow a business. There are lots of coaches who will help you deal with the money and mindset aspects of your business, but there is only one ME! You are here reading this aren’t you? Chances are pretty good that you feel connected to me, you trust me to help you. I’m the expert, or at least one of them that you are taking advice from to get to where you want to go. I’m not the financial coach for everyone, but I am the coach for you!

Now go and carve out some time and money to take the first steps, or the next steps to get you to where you want to be!


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