All tagged money mindset

Money Mindset Shift: Embrace Contentment, Transform Your Finances!

Imagine this: You're leisurely sipping your latte, crunching those budget numbers (probably in your favourite spreadsheet—seriously, do you have one yet?), and feeling darn good about your financial choices. That, my friend, is the sweet spot of contentment. It's sustainable, achievable, and doesn't rely on external factors. And let me tell you, it's the secret sauce for making monumental shifts in your financial journey.

Fact or Myth? Will More Money Make You Happier?

Work and money come hand in hand, but quite often I find it is not the money or lack of it that is making people unhappy. If you got paid more money at your current J-O-B do you think it would make you happier? I’m sure it would momentarily but the excitement would disappear quite quickly!

Lottery Ticket Blues??

If you’re purchasing lottery tickets because you feel stuck in a job you dread going to day in and day out, and you feel as though winning big is your only escape. I want you to know that you have other options!!!

How to Ditch the Excuses and Build a Life You Love

There’s this thing that you want to do. Maybe you’ve shared it with a few people that are close to you, or maybe it’s been cooped up in your head. It feels a little scary! You’ve been thinking about it for a while, but you haven’t taken action. You couldn’t possibly make this thing, your dream, a reality! Because... (you’ve got a list of ‘reasons’ why you can’t in your head, and it’s a long one).