Is Money Keeping You Trapped in the Overtime Cycle?

Is Money Keeping You Trapped in the Overtime Cycle?

Does your J-O-B keep you glued to your phone when you are not even there? Do you feel pressured because of financial stress to say yes to overtime when your boss asks you to stay 2 hours late everyday? These are 2 questions that if you answered yes to, it’s time for you to sit down and think about making some changes and setting some boundaries, so you don’t look back at this time in your life wishing you spent less time at work and more time with the people you love

You are Just a NUMBER!

This is a hard truth to swallow! If you walked out of your 9-5 TODAY, you would be replaced by another number the next day! Keep that in mind when you find yourself stressing about needing to call in sick, or wanting to say no to overtime. You do NOT need to bend over backwards to meet unrealistic expectations in the workplace. Here are a few things I was doing when I was living the shift work life that I wish I would have avoided:

  • Worked crazy amounts of overtime!

  • Switched shifts at the drop of a hat!

  • Went into work if I got called in during my off hours!

  • Spent money like crazy on shit I didn’t always need, but made me feel better about my shit job!

  • I basically lived and breathed WORK!

Things I wish I would have done MORE of while I was working my old, shitty J-O-B:

  • Called in sick more often, both when I was actually sick and when I really needed a down day.

  • Worked on having a more positive mindset, instead of always focusing on the negative.

  • Focused on having a healthy mindset outside of work! I always thought about work when I wasn’t there!

  • Made better financial decisions, so I wouldn’t have felt like I needed to work ALL of the overtime.

Financial Stress and O/T

If you are saying yes to ALL of the overtime because your bank account is always screaming for more, it’s time to sit down and look at your finances. Do you have a budget? If not, CLICK HERE for the link to my free budget tool. This is a great way to start getting a visual of where your money is going. When you have a clear picture of where all of your money is going, it will be easier to make adjustments where necessary so you can stop saying YES to so many hours! Or better yet, build a plan to escape the job you hate!

Promotion or Not?

If you are planning on leaving your shit job behind, but feel financially unable to, you may feel more inclined to take those promotions when they come along. My experience with promotions is they come with extra stress, responsibility and more time stuck at work. Here are a few things I struggled with in my previous supervisor role:

  • Worked WAY more hours than I wanted to!

  • I became the middle of what I call the “shit sandwich”. Supervisors get crap from the people working below them AND above!

  • I went to work early and stayed late ALL the time!

  • The generalization is that if you decide to take on a leadership role, be prepared for a huge time commitment and a mental commitment to be dealing with everyones CRAP.

Build a Plan!

So, remember to set yourself some boundaries while at your J-O-B! It’s ok to say NO to living and breathing work! Start a BUDGET! You need to know where your money is going if your goal is to work less or LEAVE your shit job! If you have been aspiring to leave your J-O-B to do something you love, but don’t know where to start, or feel you're a financial hot mess so it isn’t possible, CLICK HERE to book a 30 minute no charge Discovery Call. I can help you build a plan to get your financial shit together, get you out of a job you hate and start doing what you love! Dream big!


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