All tagged manifest your dreams

3 Signs it’s Time to Ditch Your J-O-B to Build the Amazing Life You Deserve

My personal experience of getting fired, starting and growing a business doing what I love has taught me a boatload of things. I want to share these things with you to show you how POSSIBLE it is to do what you love and get paid for it. There truly are great things waiting for you! I know because it happened to me! I got FIRED from a job that I thought was SAFE and was forced to figure things out quickly!

How to Ditch the Excuses and Build a Life You Love

There’s this thing that you want to do. Maybe you’ve shared it with a few people that are close to you, or maybe it’s been cooped up in your head. It feels a little scary! You’ve been thinking about it for a while, but you haven’t taken action. You couldn’t possibly make this thing, your dream, a reality! Because... (you’ve got a list of ‘reasons’ why you can’t in your head, and it’s a long one).