3 Signs it’s Time to Ditch Your J-O-B to Build the Amazing Life You Deserve

3 Signs it’s Time to Ditch Your J-O-B to Build the Amazing Life You Deserve

I could never do what she does. I could never own a successful business. I could never spend x amount of money on myself to start a business because that money is better spent elsewhere. I could never leave my J-O-B to do what I love. Do these statements feel like I’m reading your thoughts? Self-doubt is a bitch that we all fight, but I’m here to tell you that no matter what she has told you, she is WRONG. I’m here to tell you that I WAS stuck in a job I hated, thought it was my career to retire from and counted down the seconds each day until I could run out the door! But today I’m doing what I love and getting paid to do it! Trust me! There is an amazing life waiting for you beyond your J-O-B, and it’s a life you can build for yourself if you want to (yes, YOU)!

3 Red Flags Your Current Job is Waving

Do you avoid thinking or talking about how your current job makes you feel? Mentally and physically? Here are 3 red flags to watch out for:

  1. The Sunday Scaries are no joke. If you start dreading going to work by Sunday, it’s time to think about moving on! You deserve better! You deserve a career that doesn’t steal your Sundays!

  2. Your working shift is 8-10 hours a day (that already sounds terrible!), but you spend time outside of those hours stressing about work. Dinner with the family is spent in your own head worrying about the next problem at work, instead of fully participating in conversation. Your time is valuable! Don’t waste it stressing and thinking about something you hate.

  3. Work drives you mad! You can’t sleep regularly, which can cause a slew of other major problems, and you find yourself breaking down into tears because work is just too much stress. I’ll say it again, you deserve better! I KNOW there is better for you.

These are just 3 of the biggest red flags to watch out for, and they all have a trickle effect that will have an impact on your life and the lives of those around you. Lack of sleep, stress and shift work can do so many awful things to your mind and body! I know when I was working in a factory setting, with a crazy ass sleep schedule, I was NOT a fun person to be around!

How do I Know There are Amazing Things Waiting for YOU?

My personal experience of getting fired, starting and growing a business doing what I love has taught me a boatload of things. I want to share these things with you to show you how POSSIBLE it is to do what you love and get paid for it. There truly are great things waiting for you! I know because it happened to me! I got FIRED from a job that I thought was SAFE and was forced to figure things out quickly! I’m here to cheer you on and make a PLAN to get you out of a J-O-B you hate, to do the thing you love (even if you have zero clue what that could be right now)! Plan being the keyword. I don’t want to see anyone fall into the world of entrepreneurialism like I HAD to! Having a plan for your business, your finances and kicking self-doubt to the curb will mean a smoother transition when leaving your J-O-B and moving to running your business full-time. Your own hours, being your own boss, choosing who you work with! Just a few bonuses to having your own business! Bonuses, did I mention bonuses? I give myself multiples throughout the year! You can too!

What I really want you to take away from this is that anything is possible for you when you are willing to show up for yourself. Self-doubt is a bitch, but we can fight her and WIN. If those red flags really hit home and you know it’s time to make a plan to move on, CLICK HERE to book a 30 minute no charge Discovery Call. We can talk about what you love to do, what programs I offer, and which best suits you. I’m excited to now have not only a one-on-one coaching option but also a group coaching option. Destination Resignation Group Coaching may be the option you’ve been waiting for! Know there is more for you, ditch self-doubt and dream big! Not ready to commit yet, but you like what I’ve got to say? Come find me on Instagram for daily inspiration!


Think your job is really ‘not that bad’? Hint: Mine was, and I didn’t even know it!!

Think your job is really ‘not that bad’? Hint: Mine was, and I didn’t even know it!!

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