All tagged resign

3 Signs it’s Time to Ditch Your J-O-B to Build the Amazing Life You Deserve

My personal experience of getting fired, starting and growing a business doing what I love has taught me a boatload of things. I want to share these things with you to show you how POSSIBLE it is to do what you love and get paid for it. There truly are great things waiting for you! I know because it happened to me! I got FIRED from a job that I thought was SAFE and was forced to figure things out quickly!

Fact or Myth? Will More Money Make You Happier?

Work and money come hand in hand, but quite often I find it is not the money or lack of it that is making people unhappy. If you got paid more money at your current J-O-B do you think it would make you happier? I’m sure it would momentarily but the excitement would disappear quite quickly!