Are FEARS Keeping you STUCK?

Are FEARS Keeping you STUCK?

I talk with a lot of women who feel stuck. Women who have deep down desires to take a different path than the one they are on now, but they have so many fears holding them back. They are in their own head about who they believe they need to be, to do the things they want to do. The things that will change their lives in a significant way, and push them so far outside of their comfort zones. They have big fucking dreams, but they are not taking action because of all the fears. This breaks my heart because I know exactly how it feels, but mainly because I know what is possible when you push past the fears and do the damn thing.

When you start to believe that maybe you can do the thing, a stream of run on thoughts start to put up HUGE ASS roadblocks for you and stop you in your tracks. You are literally letting your fears keep you exactly where you are. You are stuck because mental and emotional roadblocks are getting in your way. You see others walking (or running) down the path that you would love to go down and all the fears wash over you and keep you stuck. They are different than you, they have x, y, z that allows them to be successful.

You are overwhelmed with limiting thoughts. Thoughts like:

  • That’s great for them, but I could never do it.

  • They are more confident.

  • They look great in front of the camera.

  • They have more time.

  • They show up for themselves and do the hard things.

  • They have more support.

  • They hate their job more than I do.

  • They are more educated than I am.

  • They must have more money than I do.

  • I could never. It’s not a path I am meant to follow.

  • They, they, they….

Honestly typing this out is hitting me in the feels because at one time or another I have felt all of these things. Even now these things come up for me pretty frequently, especially when I am making a pivot or working on something new in my business (which I am right now as my group coaching launch is around the corner)!

So what can you do if this is hitting you in all the feels? The good news is that there is a lot that you can do, but none of them are easy. The actions you can start to take today to push past all of these fears and judgements you are placing on yourself are hard work. Honestly, it’s work that never ends. I encourage YOU to roll up your sleeves and slowly start to put in the work so that you can move past your fears. The work is worth it to get to a place where you love the shit out of your career and life! I want you to know that acknowledging these are fears that you have is a huge step. When I look back to the time before I got fired, these are all fears that I had, but I was completely unaware of them and how they were holding me back. I didn’t even know how stuck I was.

Here are a few actions that you can take to start to take control of your fears. Remember that this work is never done as we are constantly evolving and growing!

Braindump all your fears. Write em down, record yourself saying them out loud, get them out of your head in whatever way works best for you! The act of getting them out of your head can be so freeing.

Now dig into why you have these specific fears. Ask yourself what has happened in your life to demonstrate that your fear is true. I know personally I find that the fears that are in my head have no actual proof in my life when I start thinking about it. One of my big fears was that I wasn’t educated enough to start a business. When I widened my vision and looked to those that inspired the shit out of me, I was able to see that it wasn’t education that made them so good at what they did, it was heart, dedication, willingness to learn and grow and so many other factors that education doesn’t teach you.

For each fear you have, write down all the reasons that the fear is complete bullshit. Look for examples in your life when you have overcome similar challenges that are aligned with you limiting belief or fear.

Think about or write down all of the amazing things you want to do that your fears are holding you back from. For each item, write down WHY it is important to you. If one of the items your fears are preventing you from taking action on is launching a business you are passionate about, think about how that business can add to your life.

Write down small steps that you can take to help you learn that you can overcome your fears. Remember, you don’t have to take huge leaps to get to where you want to be, small steps will get you there too!

Now go and kick your fears in the ass and start taking action toward those things you are dreaming about because I can tell you first hand that the things you want to do will have a huge impact. Even if what you want to do already feels like there are enough people doing it, I want you to remember that YOU are an individual and that no one else will do it like you do!

Parting thought. You don’t have to do everything on your own. In fact, many of the big things I have accomplished in my business have been because I have help. I work with coaches and invest in education and support because I know that having others around me to help make things so much easier. :) If you are ready for support, send me an email and we can chat about what it could look like for us to work together!


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