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Finding Dream Clients on Social Media

Social media has become a place of not only sharing pictures and thoughts with family and friends, but a marketing tool for businesses and a place to build communities of like-minded people. Starting or growing your business on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok is something people do every day! These platforms are great FREE tools, but sometimes it can feel a little overwhelming trying to decide what to post, where to post it, how often to post, along with all of the other things business owners have on their plates! If you’re struggling to pick up new clients or customers on social media, know that you are not alone! When it comes to answering all the questions above, chances are you're probably overthinking it (like I know I tend to do). It isn’t easy, but it also isn’t as hard as you think! Here are a few things to keep in mind while using social media to grow your biz.

Where do I post? There are so many options and it can feel overwhelming!

If you prefer using Instagram over Facebook, then start by putting your focus on Instagram. Odds are if you enjoy using the platform, you will feel more inclined to post there regularly. Don’t try to post everything on ALL of the social media platforms out there when you’re staring out. You will burn out and your consistency will drop off a cliff! Remember, there are MILLIONS of people and business owners using all of these platforms, so you don’t need to worry about missing potential clients across all of them. Did you know that business Instagram accounts reached over 200 million in 2021?! Can you imagine how many of your IDEAL clients are in that group?!

My recommendation: If you’ve been dabbling on all the platforms with disappointing results, focus on ONE, the one that you like the most and don’t worry about the others for now.

Consistency & Call-To-Action

Consistency and a call-to-action are so important to growing your following and finding those IDEAL clients. Here are a few things I recommend when thinking about posting and adding a call-to-action:

  • Consistently posting 2-3 times a week is better than posting 7 days a week, burning yourself out, then not posting anything for the next week.

  • The call-to-action is so important! ALWAYS include it in your posts! Give your audience clear direction on what you want them to do. Some examples are:

    • Drop an emoji in the comments below!

    • Save this post as a reminder!

    • Share with someone who could use this!

    • Send me a DM to talk about _____

Stay away from sounding like a constant sales call by avoiding thinking about the bottom-line all the time. Instead, think about how you are serving and supporting your audience and how you can build connections.

Cold Messaging Followers - to message or not to message?

If you are going to reach out to new followers on your business account make sure that your message has NO sales pitch at all. New followers do not want to immediately have offers shoved down their throats! This comes across as desperate and may mean people will unfollow, which could mean a potential lost client for you. So, remember if you do message followers keep it casual and thank them for their support.

Spread the Word!

If you’re new to social media and looking to get your name out there, a good way to spread the word is to ask for the support of your friends and family. Ask them to share your posts on their social media platforms. Quite often friends and family would like to support you and your business but they aren’t sure how. This is an easy way for them to support you! You can also look out to share your expertise by commenting on posts you can add value to. Finding groups on Facebook that you can comment on by answering questions is a great way to connect with new people and get your name out there!

Videos, Being Yourself & Allowing Your Audience to KNOW You

Everyone has heard it before, REELS, REELS, REELS! Video footage of yourself can show your audience who you are, your personality, and give them the feeling that they know you before even having a one-on-one conversation. Think of your potential clients wanting to trust you and get to know you before reaching out to book or buy. Reels or other videos are a great way for them to see your personality and understand your expertise! When you start to record reels or other videos remember to be who you are. It was a huge turning point in my own business when I let my personality shine and stopped trying to sound so professional. Swearing when I get excited is part of who I am! Letting my personality shine brought me more revenue through dream clients!

Get your name and face out there! Be yourself, have fun and if you need a hand diving into reels, check out my IG page for a tutorial! Social media can be a great tool to grow your business and find dream clients and customers! If you want a little more guidance on how to start and grow your business CLICK HERE to book a no charge 30 minute Discovery Call. I would love to help you do what you love and grow your biz!
