To Social Media or Not To Social Media for your Biz

To Social Media or Not To Social Media for your Biz

We all know and follow business accounts on Instagram, or pages on Facebook. Social media has become a HUGE part of marketing for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Whatever it is you’re looking for, there is an expert for it on one or both of these platforms! Let’s make sure that your new or growing business is out there for people to find. You are an expert in your field and people want your help!

Is Social Media for You? Why Should you be on IG or FB?

Here are a few statistics for an eye opener on just how many people are on these 2 platforms:

  • Business Instagram accounts peaked above the 200 million mark in 2021.

  • 1.84 billion people check in on Facebook on a daily basis.

  • Canada hit 28 780 000 Facebook users during the summer of 2021. The USA reached 302 000 000!!! (Who says we can’t work with clients or sell products on both sides of the border? Globally?!)

These are just a few numbers to get you thinking. 200 million business accounts on Instagram in 2021! That’s a whole lot of people who need your expertise! If you’re in the market for new clients or customers, social media is a great place to find them!

Where Should you be?

Instagram? Facebook? Tiktok? Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be on ALL of the social media platforms. It’s about being where you can be consistent. If you love Instagram and hate Facebook, plan to post regularly on Instagram. Demographics will also play a role in where you should be posting, but when you first start out, it’s important to be comfortable where you are creating content. You need to be where you love creating content to make QUALITY content that speaks to easing your IDEAL clients pain points.

Tips and Tricks

  • When sitting down to create content, ask yourself what message you are trying to get across. Think about the pain points you help your customers or clients with and write like you are speaking to one person, your ideal client.

  • Don’t reinvent the wheel! If you’ve been using social media for a while for your business, check out previous post insights to find out what has done well and repurpose it!

  • Find a posting schedule that works for you. Focus on how many posts you can handle regularly. It’s better to post quality content twice a week if that’s what you’re comfortable with, rather than multiple times a day burning you out.

  • Don’t overthink it! Specifically when it comes to repurposing content! People won’t notice!

  • Stagger your repurposed content. Ex. Post on Instagram today, save it for Facebook next week.

  • To repurpose video content, it’s best to do so without a watermark. There are apps to help you do this.

  • Tweak your posts slightly depending on different audiences on different platforms.


Instagram reels are a great way to get views and followers! If you don’t know where to start CLICK HERE for a quick tutorial! Be patient with yourself as you learn! Please also be brave and hit POST even if you’re giving yourself a hard time about your reel not being perfect. This is a great way to show your face, personality and talent! Showing your face and allowing people to see who you are encourages people to support you. I used to worry about my smart-ass personality and vocabulary of swear words, but now I know it’s a good thing. If something I post offends someone and they unfollow me, good! They were not someone I wanted to work with if they don’t like who I am! :)

Cheers to growing your biz through social media!


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Ready to Grow Your Business? It’s Time to Invest in YOURSELF!

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