What is MONEY Holding You Back From?

What is MONEY Holding You Back From?

I didn’t know it at the time, but money was keeping me right where I was, and I was stuck. The golden handcuffs are very well designed and companies depend on them to keep us on the hamster wheel. Have I opened up your eyes a little bit yet? Do I have you thinking? Have you started to realize your J-O-B came with a set of golden handcuffs? Does it have you constantly looking around for a new one? Maybe you’ve already decided you’re ready to leave and want to start your own business doing what you love! That’s great! But what about a regular paycheck? Money to get your business started? Benefits coverage for massage and dental? Credit card debt? If your personal finances are keeping you from quitting a job you hate to start doing what you love, we need to talk! It’s time to get your financial shit together to give you the confidence to start and grow a business!

While I’m grateful that I had my eyes opened wide and found my path when I got fired. I don’t want you to wait for someone to make the decision for you AND I definitely don’t want you to have to deal with the shock of losing an income! Let’s dive into what you can do!

Consequences of Ignoring Your Numbers

Knowing your numbers is so important! If you are crossing your fingers each time you log into your online banking (or avoiding logging in at all), it’s time to start thinking about making a plan for your money. Ignoring your numbers will only prolong your feelings of stress and fear. It can also cause other things, such as:

  • Overspending!

  • Increased interest payments!

  • Missed payments that damage your credit score!

There was even an American study on overspending in 2019 on single family households that did not budget or track any of their numbers. The results of the study found that families were, on average, overspending by $7400.00 a year!

Numbers to Know

To gain confidence and control of your personal finances there are some numbers you should know. Knowing these numbers is the perfect place to start on your journey to get your financial shit together!

  • Bank account balances

  • Income

  • Monthly expenses

  • Debt details, including how much you owe, who you owe them to, minimum payments, interest rates, and when the debt will be paid off at minimum payments.

  • Your credit score

This may seem like a long list and a lot of work, but it’s worth it and probably won’t take as long as you think! Whatever the end result, knowing these numbers will be a huge motivator for you to make a plan and take action with your finances. CLICK HERE for my free budget tool to help take some action!

Side Hustle

There are so many benefits to starting a side hustle! Extra income is a great perk, but honing in on what you want your business to look like and learning as you go without pressure to create a steady income right away can allow you a lot more freedom with a lot less pressure! If you already know the THING you love and want to do, start it up as a side hustle to get the extra cashflow you need. It’s a great way to help financially while growing a business you want to do full-time one day. You CAN get your financial shit together and start doing what you love! There is a way to turn anything into an income, it may take some creativity, but it can be done!

Balance is Key!

Remember, when budgeting and making plans around your money, it’s important to have a balance that includes the things you love. If your budget has zero room for a meal at your favourite restaurant each month, or cuts out all of your coffee money for the week, you’ll feel restricted and throw the plan out the window in no time! I support you in making a plan that works for YOU. If it’s important to have some cash set aside for coffee with a friend each week, then we’ll include it in your plan! Maybe that money will come from the cash you earn through the side hustle I can help you build and grow! In preparation for leaving your 9-5 your budget can also include saving for things like massage, dental and other things a benefits package through an employer would cover. It is possible to have your own business and still afford these things!

If making a plan around your personal finances is holding you back from leaving a job you hate, and starting to do the thing you love CLICK HERE to book a no charge 30 minute Discovery Call. I can support you in making a plan to get your financial shit together, build a business you love, and leave the J-O-B you hate!


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