Money Mindset

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Ditch that Bitch Self-doubt!


Self-doubt is a real bitch! Before anyone gets any silly ideas, I call her a bitch because self-doubt seems to be much more common in women. I could be wrong, as I feel that as women we feel more open to discussing it than our male counter-parts. Either way, self-doubt is a bitch to me so that is what I call her! She creeps into our minds, strips us of our power and holds us back from our own greatness! She can impact our lives in many different ways. Does she tell you to quit while you’re ahead? Give up on that side-hustle because it will never amount to anything? Not to bother looking at that list of goals because it’s too much for you to handle? Self-doubt will tell you these types of LIES!!! It’s time to kick her to the curb and leave her there!


Do you ever find yourself thinking or speaking similar statements to these?

“I SHOULD return that phone call to x…”

“I SHOULD clean more often!”

“I SHOULD finish that book!... Even though I’m not enjoying it…”

“I SHOULD stop spending money on x…”

“SHOULD” can be a killer of happiness! It can also be closely connected to self-doubt and the mindset she can bring. Statements like the above mentioned can be huge roadblocks in both your personal and business life. If you are “should-ing” yourself into doing something you don’t want to, or NOT doing something you want to do, STOP!! Toss those roadblocks aside and begin building a life full of what YOU want!

Glass is ½ Empty

That bitch I mentioned earlier can also throw this type of thought your way. The glass is ½ empty because you’re looking for shit to go wrong. At my previous place of employment I was ALWAYS wondering what was going to go wrong next, or what was going wrong while I wasn’t there. These thoughts had a huge impact on my behaviour, which then impacted what was happening in my life. What YOU are thinking on a day-to-day basis has a MASSIVE impact on how you react to people, work, and problems you bump into. When you start to focus on being positive and thinking about things going WELL instead of TERRIBLE, you’re already in a better head-space when shit actually hits the fan! My advice to fight this off is to focus more on what has gone right during your day-to-day life!

Unfriend that Bitch!

Dealing with that bitch and the thoughts that come along with her is NOT easy! In my experience, we can unfriend her but she comes back for a visit once in a while. Knowing this means we must stay vigilant at keeping her out of our minds! Here are some tips on how to do this.

Search out and collaborate with people/businesses who are on similar paths.

Keep a circle of like minded individuals around you.

Work on YOU everyday. Start a journal, practice gratitude, read and take care of YOURSELF.

Have a conversation about your struggle with those who you love and trust. They may be in need of support also.

Get out there and do what self-doubt is holding you back from doing! Whether it’s video’s, lives, contacting people you want to connect with, or speaking out your dreams to a loved one!

Start with the small things before you move onto the bigger, harder things! It isn’t easy, but you can do it! Whatever part of your life self-doubt is holding you back from, I send you love and strength to unfriend her and hold her at bay! If self-doubt is holding you back when it comes to starting or growing a business AND your money, I’m here to help you! CLICK HERE to book a no-charge 30-min Discovery Call to find out how I can help you kick self-doubt around your money and business to the curb.
