Factory to Freedom!! Is it for you??

Factory to Freedom!! Is it for you??

My NEW Signature Program

My Factory to Freedom program is here and I want to share some details with you so you can get as excited about it as I am! This program is designed for exactly what the title states: Freedom from that factory, shift work life or the 9-5 you hate!! It has always been my mission to help people build the life they really WANT and to get them unstuck from the job they don’t have a passion for. You can stop counting down the days to the weekend, make your own hours, and still gain financial freedom you may feel is impossible to have while being self-employed. If you want those things, keep reading to find out why this is the program for you.

Is my Program for you?

Do you:

  • Feel the “Sunday Scaries” each weekend when you think about your upcoming work week?

  • Watch other people doing what they love and wonder how they do it?

  • Feel conflicted with where to start to do something you love and be financially successful while doing it?

  • Avoid ALL things money because you feel overwhelmed?

  • Feel like you should have more money left over at the end of each month, but you consistently don’t?

  • Feel you should be farther ahead financially?

If you are nodding your head yes to any, or all of the above mentioned then my program is for you! If you are ready to make some big shifts with your money and your life, you don’t have to do it alone!

Program Details

I want to open your eyes to what is possible, get you out of your comfort zone so you can work towards building your dream life. A life where you love what you do each and every day. By combining financial, and business coaching we will work together to identify what you want your life to look like. Focus on your money, your mindset and your passions creates the perfect formula to make huge life changes to get you living your dream life!

The Fine Print:

  • We will meet twice a month for 8 months

  • Our first session will be 90 minutes

  • Subsequent sessions are 55 minutes

  • Sessions are customized to what will best support YOU in achieving your goals

  • *Limited spots available*

No Judgement Here!

I understand that stepping up and investing in a program like this is HARD. Facing your finances and allowing someone in to talk about a topic you probably don’t discuss often can be scary. Whether it’s the financial side of your story, talking about your dream job, or both, I am not here to judge. Our sessions are ALWAYS a judgement free zone. Know that no matter where you are at when we start, I am proud of you for investing in yourself and taking the leap to build your dream life.

It’s YOUR Money

Ultimately, your money is YOURS. I will NEVER tell you how to spend your money! I will support you in building a plan that works for you and includes what is important to you. We will focus on what is really important in your life, pay down debt and grow your savings, all while building a plan to leave your current job. You will gain confidence in your financial decisions and have your eyes opened to the possibility of making money while doing what you love!

If this is all hitting home and you’re ready to start down the journey of leaving your j-o-b CLICK HERE to book a no charge Discovery Call to learn more. I can make your journey a lot shorter in a judgement free zone where you can find the confidence to do what you love! I can’t wait to meet you!


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How to Step off the Variable Income Rollercoaster and Budget Like a Boss

Ditch that Bitch Self-doubt!

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