ADHD Entrepreneurs: Pricing Strategies for Service-Based Businesses

ADHD Entrepreneurs: Pricing Strategies for Service-Based Businesses

Pricing your services is not just about slapping a number on them; it’s about understanding your big financial picture and the value you bring to the table and ensuring that your pricing reflects that value but also pays your bills. But before we dive into the strategies, let’s start with the basics—getting clear on your financial needs.

It Starts With Money Clarity

First things first, you need clarity on how much you need to pay yourself. This is crucial because, as a service-based entrepreneur, your income isn’t just what’s left over after paying your business expenses. You’ve got to account for your salary, your business expenses, and, of course, taxes. You also need to decide how much you want to work, or are able to work. Are you aiming for a standard 40-hour week, or do you want more flexibility that, in my opinion, should be a big perk of being your own boss?

These numbers aren’t just theoretical—they’re the foundation of your pricing strategy. If you’re unsure where to start, check out my free resources for ADHD entrepreneurs, where I break down how to figure out your specific numbers. They’ll give you the clarity you need to set a price that covers all your bases and ensures you’re charging enough to cover everything and not work yourself into burnout!

Understand Your Value

Once you’ve got your numbers in place, it’s time to think about the value you offer your clients. ADHD entrepreneurs often undervalue their services because they’re not sure what that value really is. But here’s the thing—your time, expertise, and the results you deliver are incredibly valuable. A hugely important thing to remember is that you’re the expert at what you do! Just because your skills and knowledge come easily to you does not mean that you don’t have a big impact on the people or businesses that you work with. Full disclosure: this is something I often have to remind myself of. ♥️

To avoid underpricing, take a hard look at what you bring to the table. What makes your service unique? How do you solve your clients’ problems? What impact does working with you have on your clients? The clearer you are on your value, the easier it will be to set prices that reflect it. If you’re struggling to nail down your numbers and unique value proposition, working with me one-on-one can help you clarify it and set prices that reflect your true worth. Let’s get you charging what you’re truly worth, not just what you think clients will pay.

Factor in Flexibility

As someone with ADHD, flexibility is important to you, right? You might want the option to take on more work when you’re in hyperfocus mode or dial it back when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Your pricing should reflect that. Consider offering a few different services, like one-off and longer-term options, that allow you to adjust your workload while still meeting your financial goals.

And remember, pricing isn’t set in stone. It’s okay to revisit and adjust your prices as your business evolves, and I recommend making adjustments at least once a year. If you’re not sure how to make these adjustments, my free resources are a great starting point to get clarity on your money.

Don’t Be Afraid to Charge More

One of the biggest challenges for ADHD entrepreneurs is overcoming the fear of charging more. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’ll lose clients if you raise your prices. But the truth is, the right clients—those who truly value what you offer—will be willing to pay for your expertise.

Charging what you’re worth isn’t just about covering your costs; it’s about attracting clients who respect and value your work. If you’re ready to make that leap but feel nervous about how to do it, let’s talk. Through one-on-one coaching, we can find you financial clarity that will help you develop a pricing strategy that reflects your value and attracts the clients you want to work with. Let’s connect on a free consultation call to see if we are a good fit to work together!

From personal experience the level of clients you welcome into your business gets higher as your pricing aligns with the value and impact you have on those that you work with! It is so strange, but the number and level of clients I welcomed into my business have really demonstrated this to me!

The Bottom Line

Getting your pricing right is essential for your business’s success and your peace of mind. It starts with knowing your numbers, understanding your value, and being confident enough to charge what you’re worth. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, my free resources can guide you through the process. But if you want to get there faster and with less stress, working with me one-on-one can make all the difference.

Ready to see your full personal and business financial picture so you can get clear on your pricing? Let’s get to work on that together. Book your free consultation now.

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