The ADHD Entrepreneur: How to Increase Your Income

The ADHD Entrepreneur: How to Increase Your Income

As an ADHD entrepreneur, you’re likely not a stranger to working to keep your head above water while managing your business, personal life, and everything in between. There's this constant battle of feeling like you're not doing enough, not making enough, or not being "successful" enough. And we can often sabotage ourselves, whether that is consciously or unconsciously and hold us back from hitting a higher income level. But here's a game-changer for you: increasing your income isn't just about hustling harder or finding the next big opportunity. It's also about shifting your mindset through gratitude and getting crystal clear on your finances.

1. The Power of Practicing Gratitude

I know, I know—gratitude might sound like some fluffy, woo-woo concept that's better suited for yoga retreats than business strategy. And as a busy entrepreneur, you may even be thinking, I don’t have time for that shift! But hear me out. Practicing gratitude is one of the most powerful tools to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time.

How Gratitude Shifts Your Mindset

When you constantly compare yourself to others, it can feel like everyone else has it better, and easier than you. You see your competitors landing big clients, going on fancy vacations, or buying the latest tech gadgets, and you start thinking, "Why isn't that me?" This mindset can create a negative loop where you always chase something you don't have. And trust me, that kind of thinking can drain your energy and focus.

Practicing gratitude helps to break this cycle. It forces you to focus on what you already have, what's going well in your life, and what you've accomplished. It’s not about ignoring your goals or pretending everything is perfect. Instead, it’s about recognizing and appreciating what’s good right now, which can reduce that feeling of never being "enough." And our ADHD brains will often not take time to slow down to realize what we have accomplished our the positives in our lives, so we need to take a few minutes to focus on these things! ♥️

How to Practice Gratitude Daily

You don't need a complex system to start practicing gratitude. Here are a few simple steps to incorporate it into your daily routine:

  • Gratitude Journal: Write down three things you're grateful for every morning or evening. They can be as simple as a good cup of coffee, a supportive partner, or the fact that you managed to get through a tough day. Over time, this helps train your brain to look for the positive.

  • Gratitude Walk: Take a short walk, even if it’s just around your office or home, and think about things you’re grateful for. This combines the benefits of movement and mindfulness.

  • Share Your Gratitude: Tell someone—your partner, a friend, or a colleague—something you’re grateful for. Sharing gratitude not only lifts your mood but also fosters a positive environment around you.

The Impact of Gratitude on Your Business

When you practice gratitude, you start to see your business and finances differently. Instead of focusing on what you don't have or haven’t done, you start appreciating what you've built so far. This mindset shift can help reduce the anxiety around your finances and open up mental space to see new growth opportunities.

And let's not underestimate the power of positive energy (I know, more woo-woo shit). When you're grateful and genuinely positive, people notice. Clients and customers are drawn to that energy. It can make you more approachable, authentic, and likely to attract the kind of business you want.

2. Getting Clear on Your Finances: Face the Fear

Now, let's tackle the second part of the equation: understanding your finances. I know that looking at your finances can feel daunting, especially if numbers aren't your thing. But avoiding your finances can actually hold you back from making more money and add more stress to your life. Here’s why.

The Fear of the Unknown

Many ADHD entrepreneurs avoid looking at their financial situation because it feels overwhelming. We worry that we’re not earning enough, saving enough, owing too much, and basically, that our money is a big shit show! But this avoidance creates a vicious cycle that actually adds to our anxiety and uncertainty. You might even find yourself subconsciously holding back from making more money because you know more money means a higher tax bill and more complicated financial decisions.

This is where that fear kicks in: "What if I make a lot more money, and then I owe a ton in taxes? What if I can’t handle it?" So, instead of aiming higher, you stay in your comfort zone, not realizing that this fear and mindset is capping your growth.

How to Get Clear on Your Finances

Getting clear on your finances doesn’t have to be scary or complicated. It’s about taking small, manageable steps to understand where you stand and where you want to go. Here’s how you can start:

  • Review Your Numbers Regularly: Check your bank account, credit card statements, and other financial documents regularly. Weekly check-ins are ideal. This reduces the fear of the unknown and helps you stay on top of your cash flow.

  • Create a Simple Budget: Start with a simple budget that lists your income, fixed expenses (like rent and utilities), and variable expenses (like groceries and entertainment). This will give you a clear picture of where your money is going. Do this for your business finances too. To take some of the heavy lifting out of building your plan, you can grab my free template here to help you build your personal and business plans!

  • Understand Your Taxes: This one’s huge, and can feel really scary! If you’re holding back because you’re afraid of owing more taxes, take the time to understand how taxes work for your business. Meet with an accountant or other financial professional who can explain things in plain language. Knowing what to expect can help alleviate the fear and empower you to make more money confidently.

  • Set Financial Goals: Whether it’s saving for a rainy day, paying off debt, or investing in your business, having clear financial goals can give you a roadmap to follow. It’s easier to stay motivated and focused when you know what you’re working toward.

The Benefits of Financial Clarity

Once you start understanding your finances, you’ll find that a lot of the fear and anxiety starts to fade (I know it seems too good to be true, but trust me, I see it all the time with my clients). You’ll feel more in control, more empowered, and more prepared to take on the challenges that come your way. And here's the kicker: when you're not subconsciously holding yourself back, you open the door to more opportunities and more income.

You’ll also start recognizing patterns and areas where you can save or invest more strategically. You might be spending too much on things that don’t add value to your life or business. Or you might discover opportunities to cut costs, optimize your pricing, or invest in growth. Clarity in your finances leads to better decision-making, which ultimately leads to more income.

The Power of Gratitude and Financial Clarity

Here’s the thing: practicing gratitude and understanding your finances aren’t just two random pieces of advice. They’re deeply connected. Gratitude helps you appreciate what you have, which reduces stress and anxiety. This clearer mindset allows you to face your finances without fear, leading to better financial decisions and more income.

So, start practicing gratitude today. Write down those three things you’re thankful for, share them with a friend, and begin to shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. Then, take a deep breath and face those numbers. Get clear on your finances, set your goals, and start making money moves with confidence.

If you want support to gain clarity on your business and personal finances in a shame-free environment, I’d love to connect with you to talk about this. My focus is on helping service-based ADHD entrepreneurs understand their money and build systems around it that work for their unique brains. If you'd like to connect, I’d love to get to know you during a free consultation call.

Increasing your income isn’t just about finding the next client or launching a new product. It’s about building a mindset of abundance and clarity. And when you combine these two powerful tools, you’ll be unstoppable.

You’ve got this.

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