Money Mindset

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4 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Way and Build Your Dream Life

I hear it all the time. I’m sitting across a table or chatting with you on Zoom and I hear it - YOUR DREAM. That thing that you love to do, and want to be doing full time, or even part time, but you’re not doing it. You have a big dream and it feels scary and uncomfortable to claim it and to say it out loud. It feels even more scary to take action so you’re not taking any. There are so many thoughts running around in your head but there is always one that is louder than all the others…


How will I ever make money consistently? I’ll be broke AF in no time. I could never!

I hear you, I see you and I want you to know that YOU are capable of so much more than you believe! You CAN build the life of your dreams and turn what you love into money! I know because I am doing that today! 4 years ago, I never thought it was possible. This blog post is really for old me that needed a big kick in the ass, but I hope it’s for you too!

1 - Stop thinking about all the steps, and start with the first tiny baby step. Here are my suggestions depending on what your dream looks like.

For a service based business, find someone you can help, for free or low cost and get your feet wet in doing what you want to do. Even if you feel you need more education or to learn more, find a way to try out what you want to do and see if it is a good fit.

If you are looking to start a product based business, start talking to people who you feel would be suited to your product(s) and start talking about it. Get a feel for the level of interest in what you want to create.

2 - Find a quiet spot and get a journal or a notepad, take a step back and look at your life a year or two, or 5 down the road and really envision what that looks like if you start to take action today. What hours do you work? Who are your products or services helping? What does your life look like? How much time are you spending with friends and family? Dream big my friend and use those dreams of the future to encourage you to take step 1!

3 - Give yourself grace and know that you are going to screw up! There is nothing that you can do to get everything right the first time when starting a business. Screwing up is part of the journey and it helps you learn when to make adjustments in your plan. Give yourself permission to make mistakes!

4 - Don’t overthink the shit out of everything (I know this is easier said than done). Start with the path you believe is meant for you today, and know that you can adjust your vision if your path changes. The decisions that you are making today do not have to be permanent. If you feel 6 months, a year or even 10 years from now that your business needs to adjust its course, adjust away!!

Seeing you NOT START to follow your dreams is the most heartbreaking thing to me. This all comes back to me looking at how different my life would have been if someone hadn’t made the decision for me. If I hadn't been fired, I would very likely still be stuck in factory life and not even know all of the possibilities that are out there for me. I could very well still have my head down and not even know that it was possible to love what you do, and make money. I used to think it was one or the other. I thought you either paid your bills and got to do fun things like travel and buy lake houses, OR pursue a career or business that you loved! This IS NOT the case, I am doing both, and you can too!!

If you see yourself in old me, but have big ass dreams and aren’t sure where to start, I’d love to connect with you and support you to achieve your dreams if we are a good fit to work together. Check out my website or shoot me an email, and let’s talk about how we can connect!
