All in Build Your Dream Business

You’re Fired!

I did not see the negative impacts that shit job was having in my life until after that 2x4 moment. It took looking back to see the impact of having a job that was unfulfilling, had my stress levels off the charts, and meant I was working all the shifts at all hours of the day! ALSO, so much OT it felt like I lived there!! All of that shit, messes with a person and those around them A LOT!

First Steps to Start Making $ Doing What You Love

If money wasn’t a factor, what career would you want, or what business would you start?

If nothing comes to you right away, take quiet time on your own to really think about it. Think about what you love to do. Think about the times when hours flew by for you. What were you doing? Are you the go-to person for a specific topic among your friends and family? Do you love writing, reading or numbers? What gets you excited no matter how tired or busy you are?