You’re Fired!

You’re Fired!

The beginning of my path to becoming a financial coach began with what I thought was one of the shittiest days of my life. It was the day I got FIRED! I lost my job after almost 17 years with the same company. To say I was shocked is a massive understatement! The first few days and weeks, I had a rollercoaster of emotions and felt very overwhelmed by not knowing what was next. It was unexpected and we had not been planning for an event such as this. Financially we were doing ok, not saving much, but also not building debt because well, overtime was a huge thing in my life. This was a scary moment in my life, but today I can confidently say I’m grateful for that day. Grateful for what I call my 2x4 moment of being fired, because it led me down the path I am truly meant for!

Shit Job Problems

I did not see the negative impacts that shit job was having in my life until after that 2x4 moment. It took looking back to see the impact of having a job that was unfulfilling, had my stress levels off the charts, and meant I was working all the shifts at all hours of the day! ALSO, so much OT it felt like I lived there!! All of that shit, messes with a person and those around them A LOT!


It’s kind of difficult to have healthy relationships with family, friends and even co-workers when you’re miserable, angry or just plain old bitchy 6 out of 7 days a week. Yes, 6 out of 7 days. Sunday dread was a real thing! It only took a few months of being out of that shit job for my husband to point out how different I was to live with. AKA I was no longer a crabby B-I-T-C-H to live with! Letting go of the stress from the shift work and high stress of that awful job made me a different person!


I missed out on a lot of opportunities to be with family and friends because of the amount of time I spent at work. Overtime! Lots of overtime! Have I mentioned overtime?? :) When I did get the chance to be out with family and friends, I was heavily distracted by work just by the constant worry of what may have been happening at the plant while I wasn’t there. I even used to get calls from the plant to come into work to help during my off-hours, so the stress of waiting for the phone to ring was a real distraction.

Mental Health

I did not see the negative impact this high stress job was having on my mental health while I was working there. After being fired I had my eyes opened. I was stressed all the time! The constant worry of what kind of mess I would walk into at the beginning of each shift. Getting in my car and driving to work peaked my stress each time I left my house. This was not a time of good mental health for me!

Physical Health

This one really ties in with mental health, as well as time management. All of the overtime, the night shift and the mental exhaustion meant that I was not taking care of myself physically. I felt as though I didn’t have the time or the energy to do things like exercise. Lack of sleep because of the stress I was feeling each day wreaked havoc on my body! Night. Shift. Sucked. That shift alone can ruin your body and mind even if you can get a few hours of sleep during the day! I found I was either wide awake at noon after only a few hours of sleep or slept the whole day/evening away because I was so exhausted.

Sound Familiar?

If reading this was like a punch to the gut, it’s time to make some changes in your life. I was forced to make changes quickly when I suddenly got fired! Don’t let this be you! Let’s get your financial shit together now! Pick a date to throw that resignation letter on your manager's desk! If you are not already budgeting CLICK HERE for my free budget template. This is a great stepping stone to your escape! Find out where your money is going and how you can save to start doing what you love, or start the education you want to get you into a career you love instead of feeling stuck in a job you hate. CLICK HERE to book my new Discovery Call to see if you are a good fit for my brand new Factory to Freedom Program!!


Aftermath of, “You’re Fired!”

Aftermath of, “You’re Fired!”

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Lottery Ticket Blues??