Money Mindset

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Unleashing Your Financial Superpowers: How Changes in Finances Can Transform Your Life

One of the best parts of being a financial coach is that I get to see the wider impact of how taking control of your finances can impact your life. Initially we start with the basics so you have a solid grasp on what you want your money to do for you and the best path to get there. But as you gain confidence in how you are managing your money and it starts to open up so many doors that you never thought were possible.

The truth really is that your finances can be an anchor holding you down and keeping you stuck or wings that help you soar. If you feel like it is an anchor, I’m going to share a few stories here to inspire you.

First off, let's talk about a situation that is the epitome of being stuck financially. Picture this: you are renting a water heater, a furnace or any other item you had to rent because you had no other option. When the thing you’re renting needs service, you have one option. This leaves your hands pretty tied if you get shitty service. But the rental fee covers any maintenance so that amplifies the fact that you have no other options.

Let’s flip the script on this. When you have money saved to help you with things like this, you have so many more options, and you take your power back. If you have a water heater on the fritz that you are renting, you can cut the ties on your rental contract and purchase a water heater. Then you get to decide who you will have install and provide any maintenance. It might seem like a minor detail in the grand scheme of life, but guess what? Over time, those rental fees add up. Buying that water heater might feel like a small victory, but it's a ripple effect, my friend.

Now, onto the big guns - the power to make life-altering decisions. You know how people say, "Money can't buy happiness"? Well, let me tell you, it can buy the ticket to freedom. If you're stuck in a job that sucks the joy out of your soul, with a solid financial foundation, it opens up your options. You can flip the bird to the soul-sucking job and pursue something you are excited about. Starting that dream business? Hell yeah, you can do it.

This one breaks my heart, but many stay in unhappy relationships because of money. And if you're in a relationship that you want to run from, having your finances in order and money saved opens up a lot more options. While it won’t be easy, a clear grasp on your finances is a key to making this huge change a little less scary.

Let's be real here. Life is too damn short to stay stuck. Making changes to your finances isn't just about numbers on a spreadsheet; it's about unlocking the doors to a life that aligns with your passions and values.

Now, I get it. Change is scary. It's like standing on the edge of a cliff, wondering if you'll plummet into an abyss or sprout wings and soar. But let me drop some truth bombs – you can't soar if you don't leap. Having your finances in order is like strapping on a parachute. It's your safety net, your security blanket, your golden ticket to take risks without the fear of crashing and burning.

Remember the last time your finances being a hot mess held you back from a big life change or something you really wanted to do? Let’s truly make it the last time.

So, my friend, grab your financial sword and shield. Face those financial dragons head-on. The impact of making changes to your personal finances isn't just about numbers; it's about rewriting the narrative of your life. It's about seizing control, kicking ass, and creating a life that aligns with your wildest dreams. Embrace the uncertainty, savour the victories, and take control of your future!

Now go out there and make it rain – not just with money, but with the epic life you've always deserved. You've got this! And know that you don’t have to do it alone. If you are ready for change and feel overwhelmed with where to start, let’s connect. Book a free consultation to see if we are a good fit to work together in an always judgment-free zone.