Money Mindset

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2 Reasons You May NOT Be Taking Action!!

Have you been thinking about starting your own business or a side hustle? Want to hand in that resignation letter to escape your 9-5 but don’t know how to start getting paid for doing what you love? If you’re feeling overwhelmed with where to start, it’s ok! I’ve got you! It’s time to take ACTION and head down the path to leave the J-O-B that you hate.

Why you are NOT Taking Action - 2 Very Different Actions Causing the Same Result - FEAR!

Fear is holding you back from taking action! You are scared of 2 things that are polar opposites! Which is why you are feeling so STUCK! Here are the 2 reasons why you are NOT taking action:

You are scared of FAILURE

Everyone experiences fear of failing because failing is inevitable. If you take action towards a big goal and fail, what will people say or think of you? How will you feel? What would your next steps be? Would you be able to recover and regroup? So many worries and fears!

You are terrified of SUCCESS

This may not seem like a logical fear, but here is what this means. When you finally start doing the thing you love, you get paid for it and everything falls into place, what do you do now? What is the next step? Holy shit things are actually working out! Will you be able to handle the success? Will you actually be able to do the things you need to do, to keep moving forward? Who are you to have things work out the way you want them to?

So, what can you do?

Learn by Failing

The truth is that taking action you’ve never taken before means that you will fail. There is no avoiding it and the longer you wait the harder it will be to take that first step. Investing your time to listen to the journey of others who have taken the leap will help you see that failing is not just about FAILING. It is about learning from your failures. If you want to learn and move forward, you must accept that failing can be a part of that. My experience, the biggest failures often lead to some of the biggest breakthroughs!

Fight the Fear of Success

Success is a great thing! But not knowing how to handle it or what your next step is when your side hustle becomes BIGGER than your 9-5 is scary! Imposter syndrome may come to visit us entrepreneurs more often because we tend to work in a consistent state of doing new things. Having the support of a coach to push you forward to take that next step when success hits can be a huge help. Keeping a circle of other entrepreneurs to discuss these issues can also be a big help. It is said that your circle is a good indicator of your future, which I strongly believe! If you don’t currently have a circle that gets your journey, start looking to add a few entrepreneurs into your life.

Taking no Action Means no Change!

Allowing these fears to stop you from taking action means nothing will change. Is this really what you want for yourself? Do you want to be in the same spot you are now in 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? If you said, “Hell no!” It is time to take ACTION! Put me in your corner to help you take that next step and get a clear vision of where you want to go. I will help you build a plan to get out of your J-O-B and begin doing what you love. CLICK HERE to book a no charge 30 minute call to find out if we are a good fit to work together. I cannot wait to meet you and hear about your goals and dreams!
