The Power of Delegation for ADHD Entrepreneurs

The Power of Delegation for ADHD Entrepreneurs

Running your own business and household as a female entrepreneur with ADHD can be exhilarating and fulfilling, but also EXHAUSTING AF! Not only do we frequently wear all the hats in our business, but we tend to be the household managers, too. It can be challenging for us to ask for help and leave things in the hands of others, but let's face it: trying to do everything yourself can quickly lead to burnout and overwhelm, not to mention a brain so full of things we are trying to remember that it leaves little room for creativity. That's where delegation comes in—a powerful tool that can transform your personal and professional life.

The Delegation Dilemma

If you’re anything like me with strong perfectionist tendencies (no one can do it like me, right?) delegation might seem daunting. Here’s a moment when I ask you to be really real with yourself because chances are that we are not, in fact, doing all the things the best way or to the level that we’d love them to be done. ♥️ And here’s a quick reframe about delegation: it isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategic move that allows you to focus on what truly matters and the things you enjoy.

Delegating in Your Personal Life

Let's start with the personal realm. As a female ADHD entrepreneur, you likely juggle numerous responsibilities both at work and at home especially if you work from home! Delegating tasks on the home front – whether it's household chores, grocery shopping, or meal prep – can free up valuable time and mental energy.

When it comes to delegation it could be that you’re bringing in a spouse or partner to even the load more, getting your kids in on the household tasks if they’re a little older, or looking to hire and outsource if your budget allows for it. When it comes to the consideration to outsource, think about the impact to this on your business. If having someone come to clean a couple of times a month frees up a few more hours to work, the payoff could be more than worth it. If you do add something like this in, consider heading to a local coffee shop to knock out a few hours of work so they can clean in peace, and you’re MUCH more likely to get things off your to-do list.

Delegating in Your Business

Delegation is equally crucial in your professional life. Consider outsourcing the tasks you tend to avoid the most (you know the ones)! A few potential items to outsource are various administrative tasks, social media management, graphic design or your bookkeeping (this one tends to be a fan favourite)! Hiring experts to handle aspects of your business where you lack expertise or motivation, such as accounting, marketing, or website development can be a big game-changer. It allows you to focus on the things you enjoy more which can lead to less task avoidance.

Overcoming Delegation Resistance

It's natural to resist delegation, especially when you're accustomed to doing everything yourself. But remember, delegation isn't about giving up control entirely; it's about sharing the load and maximizing your efficiency.

Start small by delegating low-stakes tasks and gradually work your way up to more significant responsibilities. Communicate clearly with your family, team or support network. Trust in the abilities of those you delegate to, and try to resist the urge to micromanage. A little mantra to help you with delegating: Done is better than perfect!

The Benefits of Delegation

So, why bother with delegation? For starters, it frees up your time and mental bandwidth, allowing you to focus on high-impact activities. When done with open lines of communication, delegation also fosters collaboration and strengthens relationships. It also helps you avoid burnout and promotes work-life balance, essential for long-term success and well-being.

Embracing a Delegation Mindset

To truly embrace delegation, adopt a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. Recognize that there's enough time, resources, and talent to go around. Let go of perfectionism and embrace the idea that others can help, even if they don’t do it your way! Remember, delegating doesn't make you any less capable or competent.


As a female ADHD entrepreneur, delegation can be your secret weapon for success – both personally and professionally. By relinquishing control, you gain freedom. By sharing the load, you cultivate collaboration. And by embracing delegation, you empower yourself to focus on what truly matters – building a thriving business and living a fulfilling life. So, take a deep breath, let go of the reins, and watch as delegation transforms your entrepreneurial journey.

You've got this.

For more on delegation take 18 minutes to listed to the Mind + Money Podcast all about delegation on the personal side. Find us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

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