Sharing these pictures is hard. Putting myself out there like this takes me out of my comfort zone, but I’m doing it to make a point. Change is rarely easy or fast, but it is worth the effort. Results come from building new habits and being consistent. Change is not about restriction; it is about finding balance.
Sharing these pictures makes me feel so uncomfortable, but if they help one person, it is more than worth it.
Before I took the picture on the right, I felt defeated, as if I hadn’t made any progress. I was frustrated and felt like giving up. Why? Because the scale is a bitch that hasn’t moved much since March. Yes, I am down 10 pounds, which is great, but I’ve been working hard. I feel like the scale should be moving faster.
Then, I look at these pictures side by side. The one on the left was taken in March, the one on the right in November. They show that I have made a lot more progress than the scale can measure. These pictures opened my eyes to the results of my hard work. I am so thankful to have them.
Getting to this point hasn’t been a solo project. I’ve been working with a nutrition coach and following an online nutrition program. My husband has also been following the program.
Making changes is easier and more successful when you have support.
We started the online nutrition program in March and I went back to the gym more regularly in April. My eating and my workouts have been more consistent this year than ever before. I’ve had weeks when I got off track. I don’t eat perfectly and workout every day, but I do work every day at finding balance.
The similarities between improving your health and finances are very aligned—both are about finding balance.
The reality is that I still eat chocolate and cookies, but not every day. When it comes to managing your money better, you have to find the balance between living today, and setting up your future self for success.
Much like stepping on the scale, thinking about money and financial health doesn’t show us our true reality. A starting Net Worth statement can be like the before picture of your financial improvement journey. Whether you are already working toward improving your finances, or thinking about getting started, I encourage you to put your current numbers down on paper. Having these numbers recorded will give you an accurate baseline for comparison. Should you ever feel frustrated with your progress, this starting snapshot will show you how far you have actually come.
To get your Net Worth Statement spreadsheet, visit my website home page and sign up. It will not only give you a clear picture of your progress in the future, it will provide clarity on where you are right now.
If you have any questions, I am happy to help, please comment below or send me an e-mail.