Three Steps to Financial Empowerment-How Financial Coaching Will Change Your Life

Three Steps to Financial Empowerment-How Financial Coaching Will Change Your Life

Financial coaching is a relatively new profession. When I tell people what I do, most have not heard of it before and don’t quite understand the concept. I wanted to take a few minutes to share the three ways that working with me will help you take control of your money. 

1.       In our first session, we will look at your full financial picture. I will help you gain clarity about your personal and business finances. Prior to working with me, many of my clients avoided dealing with their money because they were afraid of what they would find. Avoidance and lack of knowledge cause financial stress to increase daily. Getting all of your financial information together in one place and working through the details with my support will help you feel at ease while reducing your stress level.

2.       Next, we will work to identify your top financial goals. This is an important piece of the puzzle because you will gain focus on what you want your money to do for you. Having clear financial goals helps you stick to the plan when tempted to purchase items which don’t align with your objectives and values. 

3.       The accountability facet of financial coaching will help you achieve your goals faster and with less stress. Identifying what you want your money to do for you and mapping out a plan to get there are integral first steps on the path to financial empowerment. Having me in your corner to educate and support you, as well as hold you accountable to your goals, will help you level up your commitment to your plan.

To give you a comparison, financial coaching will help with your finances in very similar ways to how a personal trainer helps you achieve your health goals. With money, as with our health, chances are we know what we should do to make positive changes that will improve our lives. The initial stumbling block is developing the plan—we don’t dedicate the time to map out a clear plan, we get lost in the plethora of information online, become overwhelmed and do nothing. The larger stumbling block is sticking to the plan. Without systems in place to support us, keep us on track and hold us accountable to our goals, our initial focus and motivation quickly fades, and we fall back into our old habits. 

As a financial coach, I walk alongside you to develop a plan that is customized for you, meeting your needs today and supporting the achievement of your short- and long-term financial goals. If you are ready to level up your money, contact me today to learn more about how to get started. Email me @

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