Reflecting, Celebrating and Learning from 2021

Reflecting, Celebrating and Learning from 2021

So many things happen in a single year, even if it does seem like the years fly by! It’s important to take time to reflect, celebrate the wins, and learn from whatever happened within our businesses and our lives each year. 2021 was my 3rd full year in business! That is a win in itself! However, I did not do a great job rewarding myself for the wins I had in my business in 2021. This is something I’m going to work on in 2022!

2021 Wins!

No matter how small they seem, celebrate your wins! Here are a few achievements of my own from 2021 that I should have celebrated a little bit more:

  • I helped 32 new clients! These clients either came to me from referrals or found me through social media! For 2022 I have specific milestones based on the number of new clients I work with!

  • I got very comfortable with things that were difficult, such as sales calls, and letting people know how I can help them. Flipping my mindset from thinking these tasks were scary, to thinking of them as an opportunity to help someone really got me going in the right direction!

  • I had a chunk of money left over from my savings for income tax that had a huge part in being able to afford the down payment on our lake house!

  • Successfully pivoted my business to supporting clients with finances AND business! Investing in a coach was a huge help to get me here! Reflecting back, this was my biggest business success. It was scary AF and had me hunting for a J-O-B a time or two but it has me so aligned with what I know I am truly meant to do!

The purchase of our lake house was definitely the biggest accomplishment we had in 2021! It’s something we didn’t even think was possible! Even if it isn’t a business win directly, it certainly was made that much more enjoyable because I am self-employed. Working from the lake house, sometimes in my hammock, is amazing! If I were still working shifts at my previous J-O-B, I would have only been at our lake house once or twice the whole year! What are some of your 2021 wins? Send me an email or IG message so I can celebrate with you!

Goal Achieved = Reward!

As I said before, I really didn’t do a great job at rewards after I had achieved a goal within my business last year. 2022 is going to be a year of big goals and having rewards set aside as I achieve them! These rewards are not all based on physical purchases either. A reward can be anything from splurging on a fancy meal with a loved one, to specifically setting aside time for yourself to do nothing! Some of my rewards for reaching goals in 2022 will be days of doing nothing but watching cheesy romantic movies, or visiting friends! Set your goals, assign rewards and remember they do not always have to be purchase based. They should be what YOU want.

While it wasn’t a goal at the beginning of 2021 to pivot in my business and include business coaching services, I am so glad I did! I am also very excited for this shift to help me reach my main goal for 2022. I have set multiple goal levels on helping my clients move into full time self-employment, which will each have a separate reward when I achieve them! Here they are:

  • Good = 4 Clients

  • Better = 6 Clients

  • Best = 8 Clients

  • Holy Shit = 12 Clients

I haven’t selected rewards for each level of goal yet, but some of my other rewards for 2022 are:

  • Investing in a personal trainer!

  • Sending extra money to my TFSA!

  • A full week off to do anything I want!

  • I also have some trips on my list!

What are some rewards you would like to give yourself for reaching goals you have set for yourself this year? I would love to hear them! If you are struggling to narrow down your goals for 2022 CLICK HERE to book a 30 minute no charge Discovery Call. I would love to help you smash the shit out of your 2022 goals!


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