Change Can Be Hard, These 4 Tips Will Make Them Easier

Change Can Be Hard, These 4 Tips Will Make Them Easier

You are here, so you must be ready to make some changes in your life. Maybe they are financial, health or relationship changes you are looking to make. Whatever changes you are looking to make these steps will help you!

1. Stop trying to do all the thing all at once! Seriously, you are a human being and you can’t change everything in your life all at once. Focus on what change is most important to you right now and start building your plan to get you there.

2. Take baby steps! Trying to make huge sweeping changes in your life is setting yourself up for failure. I’m all for having huge goals and dreams but the closer the rungs are on the ladder, the more likely you are to get to the top. If you want to focus on your health, don’t make the plan that starting tomorrow you will exercise for an hour a day and eat nothing but green vegetables, if today you aren’t moving your body at all and surviving off of take-out! Set a small goal, like going for a walk each day or adding in 3 servings of veggies, then when that feels like a solid habit, add to it.

3. Share your goals and baby steps with someone else so you have an accountability buddy and a cheerleader! It is incredible how we can let ourselves down sometimes. So often we feel more responsible to do things for ourselves if we have someone else helping us stay on track.

4. Track your progress. There are so many options for this. If you are looking to make changes with your money, sit down and get a clear picture of where you stand today by listing approximate values for all the things you own and all the things you owe. Minus what you owe from what you own and now you have your Net Worth! This could be calculating your net worth or adding up add your debts or savings, whatever you want to change, track where you are starting. While I am not a health expert, if you are on a journey to improve your health, don’t rely on the scale because she’s a bitch! I highly recommend measurements and pictures to truly capture your progress.

I know that these tips will help because they have helped me so much this year. So many times in my life I tried to do all the things, all at once and then when one thing got off track, I completely gave up. Now when I want to do make big changes, I map out the path of small steps to get me there.

If you are looking to make some changes with your money, here are a few steps that may fit into your plan:

-   Evaluate what you want to focus on (building savings, paying off debt, building better financial habits).

-   Figure out where you are right now (total savings, total debts, what your current habits look like).

-   Build a budget or re-evaluate your current plan (you knew this was coming, right).

-   Evaluate each where your money has been going and identify areas you know you can improve upon.

-   Can you increase your income?

-   Schedule a weekly money date to look at if your spending aligns with your plan.

If all of this feels overwhelming and you are paralyzed with where to start but are truly ready to make huge shifts with your money, it may be time for you to book your free 20-min Zoom Chat with me to learn more about financial coaching. OR if you are really ready to make changes and are ready to dive in and book my 2-Hour Money Miracle Session, shoot me an email or a message on FB/Instagram and I can get you the booking link!!

 If you have any questions with either, shoot me an email at

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