4 Reasons Setting Goals Will Change Your Life!

4 Reasons Setting Goals Will Change Your Life!

I know, you have heard a lot about goal setting, this being January and all, but I want you to know that if you aren’t setting goals for yourself, you are holding yourself back! Imagine how much more you will accomplish in 2021 with clear goals AND plans to help you achieve your goals...REALLY IMAGINE! Goal setting has been life changing for me and I want to help them be life changing for you too. First I have to get you excited to set yourself some goals. So, here are the 4 reasons goal setting will change your life!

Goals propel us forward and give us clear focus. If you don’t spend time identifying what is important to you, you won’t be able to make clear decisions.

Without a clear target, how will you know where to aim the arrow? How will you know where to focus your effort? By prioritizing what is important to you, it can help you easily identify if a task or request is aligned with the results you are looking for. Imagine having the clarity daily about where you should be putting your energy!

Goals help you stay on track when procrastination or lack of motivation come knocking.

Let’s be real, it is really easy to put shit off and sit on the couch on your phone for hours. For complete transparency, goal setting is not going to make this a thing of the past, but when you have a goal, it can really help you to give yourself a kick in the ass. It doesn’t make the work easier, but it does make it more motivating because you know it is the path to get you to where you want to be.

Goals give us a clear measure of our progress.

With clear goals, it becomes easy to identify if you are on track. Let’s break this down with a financial goal (of course). You want to pay off $5,000 in debt in 2021. You know that your income is pretty steady all year so you break it down into monthly chunks ($5,000/12=$416.67). From there you can track how you did each month. If you fall short one month, it will push you to get creative the following month to make up for the lost ground!

Goals will help you save time!

It seems crazy, how will setting goals save you time? By helping you quickly identify when a task or event is not aligned with your goals. Setting boundaries around your time, so you can focus on what is important to you, will help you find more time in your days!

I really encourage you to take some time, and sit down with a journal, and identify what goals you want to achieve in your lifetime, and what goals are most important to you, to achieve this year. CLICK HERE to get access to my financial goal planning guide. It will help you think about goal setting differently than you have in the past. I know you have HUGE goals in many areas of your life, but narrow it down to a few top priorities for this year. Think about what is most important to you in your life, and how you can improve upon it. Maybe it’s your money, your health or relationships in your life. Whatever it is for you, I can’t wait for you to smash your goals this year!!


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