The ADHD Entrepreneur: How to Be the Boss of Your Business and Personal Finances

Out of sight, out of mind is a common ADHD trait that is a big challenge for me (you can tell by looking at my coffee table). That’s why visual reminders can be incredibly effective in keeping your finances on track. Whether it’s a sticky note on your computer or a chart on your wall, these reminders can help you stay focused on your financial goals.

ADHD Entrepreneur Tips: Building a Routine

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room: can we create routines as ADHD entrepreneurs? Or are we setting ourselves up for failure by setting the expectation that we need to have a rigid routine? I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. I can’t think of a catchy name for it right now, so for now, let’s call it routine-ish! 😆 Having a rough outline of a routine but allowing ourselves flexibility is where I find the sweet spot. So how can you find yours?

ADHD Entrepreneur Tips: How to Handle Procrastination

Procrastination comes in many different versions with ADHD, but they all tend to have the same outcome. Either we miss a deadline or due date, or we stress ourselves out to bend over backwards to still get the thing done in time despite all the procrastination. So, if you are procrastinating because the task isn’t urgent enough yet, you really hate it, or you’re current hyper-focus is pulling you away, I’ve got a list of things you can try to help you move out of procrastination mode!