Is Investing in YOU the Right Choice? by Nikko Papadakos

Is Investing in YOU the Right Choice? by Nikko Papadakos

I can talk myself out of buying just about anything. I annoy the heck out of my family shopping, but it’s because I have always operated from a scarcity mindset. This is the idea that there is never enough, which leads to thoughts and feelings of fear and anxiety. Fear over where our next dollar will come from and anxious about not having enough food, money, love, can apply to anything.

Where focus goes, energy flows. Are you focused on not enough or enough for everyone?

I am truly working toward an abundant mindset. But it has been 43 years of I’m working on it!!

I recently made a purchase with a friend, an entrepreneur. Truth; it took me a minute and some positive self talk to go ahead with the purchase. It’s a purchase I know I will make use of, I know the quality is excellent and I want to support her. But...but those feelings and fears of not enough play out in my mind. I know why I am patient with people whether they’re buying a home or signing up with me to commit to their fitness and nutrition. I struggle making a decision as well.

I am currently reading Jay Shetty’s book, Think Like A Monk, and one line has been playing over and over in my mind. “how we spend our time and money reveal what we value.” ~page 14

I value my health.

I value clean, natural products.

I value supporting local and helping other entrepreneurs placing this order with the girlfriend was absolutely the right choice.

Books, words, speak to us don’t they.

Do you spend your time and money on what you value most? Maybe that question will help you decide to. For instance, if you value your health and wellbeing, investing in you is 100% the right choice.

What are you reading?

What would you recommend?

What book has spoken to you?


Get to know Nikko a little more: Hello all!! I am Nikko! I’m a mom to two teens and a licensed Realtor. I am also a fitness and nutrition coach who’s number one passion is reminding moms they matter.  I have been the too busy mom who wore all the hats and struggled with guilt and anxiety. I want better for me. I want better for you! We deserve to feel like the healthiest, happiest version of ourselves and together is the best way to get there!! I’m on Facebook and IG if you’d like to follow along on my journey. Please feel free to reach out at 519.983.8426 or if you ever want to chat wellness! Take care of you my friend!

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