How to Flip Your Money Mindset

How to Flip Your Money Mindset

You’ve done the work to discover where you stand with your money mindset and figure out where it came from, but today, let me answer the question of: HOW do you flip your money mindset from scarcity to abundance? If you didn’t catch my previous blog posts, be sure to go click the links to catch up because if you try to skip steps, you know what happens!

Like any other big changes in your life, remember that it won’t happen overnight, so be patient with yourself. Putting in the work is a process that is never done. You don’t get to a place where you are done working on your mindset. By building new habits you will be able to continually work on your mindset and improve in all areas of your life!

Now, let’s dive into some actions you can take today!

Action #1 - Know Your Numbers!

Here’s the truth my dear! You can’t ONLY work on your mindset and avoid digging in deep to your actual financial situation. You have to do both! The fastest way to flip your money mindset is to dust off the old bank and credit card statements, roll up your sleeves, and get to work understanding your numbers. I know this is NOT what you wanted to hear but if you have been avoiding your numbers for as long as you can remember, that is the single biggest mistake you can make for your mindset!

Steps you to take:

Look over your bank and credit card statements and track where you have been spending your money for the last 1-3 months. Track it by categories that make sense to you. You can use a notebook or a simple spreadsheet, it’s all about finding a way that works for you. Don’t be surprised if there is a whole lot of, WTF did I spend X on at Target or Walmart. If you’re avoiding your money, this is very common.

Now it’s time to look to the future. Where do you WANT your money to be going every month? It’s time to build a plan for your money (aka a BUDGET)! If you’ve tried to budget before and it hasn’t worked out, there probably wasn’t enough of the things you enjoy in it. Click HERE to get access to my free budget tool and click HERE to access previous blog posts with so many different financial tips and guidance.

Action #2 - Find Your Mantra (or Mantras)!

While it can’t be all about the woo-woo things, a big part of flipping the script on your money mindset is about finding ways to reset your subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind controls so many of our thoughts without us even realizing it, so it is important to work on telling your subconscious mind what to think! It’s time to take back the reins!

Think about what you want your mind to default to when it comes to money.

Work on finding a mantra that feels good to you and don’t be afraid to change it or tweak it when it feels right to. Your mantra doesn’t have to be with you forever.

Write it down where you will see it regularly and be reminded to say it out loud. Put it on a sticky note inside your wallet. Write it on your bathroom mirror in dry erase marker. Put it on your fridge. Put it wherever it feels good to put it.

Don’t be afraid to do a little internet research to get some ideas on your mantra.

Go wild if you want more than one mantra. You can have one for different scenarios (like when you spend or give money), for different days of the week, or for when money comes to you.

Really get creative and get excited about it, I know it may feel cheesy at first, but stick with it!

Action #3 - Look for the Positive Financial Things in Your Life and Be Grateful for Them

I promise they are there. It may not feel like it right now, but keep looking. By always being on the lookout for good things that are happening to you financially, you are way more apt to see them when they happen. You will never find what you aren’t looking for.

Spend a few minutes every day thinking about the good things that have happened, if you journal regularly, you could make writing down these things as part of your daily habit.

Identify why you are grateful for the positive event and the impact it has/will have on your life.

Finding happiness in what we have, and being grateful for the positive events that happen to us, will not only make for a happier today, it will also put out to the Universe that you are ready to receive more blessings because of how you are reacting to the small things.

I’m so excited that you are here to learn how to work on your money mindset, and I encourage you to come back to this blog a month or two from now and revisit the action steps so you can keep progressing and finding your blocks that are holding you back.



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