6 Ways to Make Your Money and Your ADHD Become Besties

6 Ways to Make Your Money and Your ADHD Become Besties

Our brains work a little differently! This can create a lot of challenges with your $, but I’m here today to help you lean into your uniquenesses and use them to your advantage!

  1. Lean into automating anything that you can. Why do boring ass money tasks every month, or payday when you can set up an automation to do it for you? When it comes to money tasks that bore you, ask yourself, can I automate this?

  2. STOP trying to track every dollar you spend - it is NOT necessary to achieve big things with your money and the chances of you keeping up on this is pretty low. Unless it is something that you get super excited about, find another way! My top recommendation is to separate your money so that the money for spending on things like food, gas, misc shopping, and personal care is in it’s own account. Bonus points if this separate account allows you to make online purchases to make your life easier!

  3. Set at least one financial goal for yourself. We need the dopamine hit of hitting goals to keep us motivated. If the goal is big break it down so you have a goal each month, or even each week to keep you focused. Set up a phone reminder to check in with your goal regularly! 

  4. Reward yourself for hitting big financial goals AND the small goals along the way. Align your reward with how big the goal is. Put an extra $250 toward your debt? Maybe you grab a fancy coffee. Paid of $5,000 in debt? Maybe a spa day is in order! 

  5. Include spending for things that aren’t practical in your budget. Yes, I said it! Your budget can’t be all saving and no spending or it won’t be sustainable long term! If your plan is all about restriction, it won’t be sustainable!

  6. This one does involve your money, but crosses over to help you get shit done! Build a financial reward system for doing the things you know you need to do, but never want to do! Need to clean your house but can’t find the motivation? Consider paying yourself to clean! That’s right, pay yourself to clean! You can set up a separate account for this, and this money can be for whatever you want it to be for! Maybe one day you’ll use it for a final push to hit a goal, and the next time you’ll use it to take a friend to lunch. The point is that it is discretionary based on whatever you want it to be for.

Here’s the final, and most essential piece of the puzzle to help you implement all of the actions above, you need to be able to see your big money picture. I know, not fun or exciting, but when it helps you do all of the things above, I hope you get excited about it! Need a little help with this? Click HERE to grab my free budget tool that will do all the math for you and help you see the big picture!

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