Money Mindset

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Why Resolutions are Bullshit

Did you know that most studies done on New Year’s resolutions have found that they don’t even last till the second week of February? That is only 6 weeks! Research conducted in 2019 even ended in naming January 19th as “quitter’s day”, because of the mass amount of people who give up on their New Year’s resolution by then. Of course, having goals to better yourself or your business, or both, is an awesome thing! But why do people seem to quit so soon after making resolutions, and how can you set yourself up to actually stay on track?

How to set yourself up for failure!

Set unrealistic goals - When choosing a New Year’s resolution, many people set unrealistic goals which have them giving up by the time “quitter’s day” rolls around.

Don’t track your progress - Many also set goals but have no systems to track their progress. When you don’t know if you are making improvements towards your goal, you are much more likely to give up early on!

Set too many resolutions - Setting too many goals at once can be overwhelming, especially if those goals are all BIG!

Set unimportant goals - During a 2014 study on New Year’s resolutions it was found that as much as 23% of their sample group FORGOT about their resolutions. FORGOT! If they are so easily and quickly forgotten, they were probably not the best type of goal to make and caused them to quickly fall off your radar!

These are a few of the top reasons why people don’t keep up with their New Year’s resolutions or hit the goals they make for themselves over the year. Let’s talk about how to AVOID these things!

Steps to Make Goals and Stay on Track

There are a few steps to keep in mind and follow when you make and track your goals, to help keep you on schedule and make adjustments if needed.

1 - Most importantly, plan your goals! Put them on paper or into a spreadsheet that is easily accessible to you. When doing this it is also important to break down big goals into small steps. These are easier to track and will feel less overwhelming!

Be sure to check out some of my recent posts that help guide you on goal setting!

2 - Share your goals with friends or family, someone who you love and trust, but will also help keep you accountable. There are even accountability coaches out there that can help with this! Coaches are a great investment to keep you accountable and support you along the way to smashing your goals!

3 - Decide on a way to track your progress! There are many different ways to do this, including using reminders and alarms on your phone, or a white board on your fridge may be the visual reminder you need to track and continue forward with your goals. This year I’ve started using a habit tracking spreadsheet and it gives me a score each day. It is very motivating for me to complete the daily habits that move me closer to my big goals each day!

Invest in a Coach!

There are so many different types of coaches or trainers to help keep you on track with your goals. They could be business goals, personal or biz financial goals (maybe both!), or health and fitness goals! The list goes on! But sometimes having someone in your corner to cheer you on and keep you on track is the extra push you need. How coaches can help:

  • Work with you to create realistic goals to grow you as a person/grow your business.

  • Help you break down big goals into realistic steps and stay on top of tracking them.

  • Cheerleader! A coach will be your biggest cheerleader to keep you going and striving for progress forward! It’s amazing how transformational it is to have someone you know always encouraging you to keep going, especially on the hard days!

Did you know that approximately 80% of people who join a gym in January with big fitness goals quit in less than 6 months? It has been shown in studies that having a personal trainer in your corner for your fitness goals can mean you’re 5x’s more likely to reach your goals in a year! A personal trainer will keep you motivated, can help prevent injuries, make plans suited to your specific goals and educate you on so much more along the way. This is how I help you build and grow a business you love, and get your financial shit together so you can be confident leaving your J-O-B! I will help you set realistic goals, make an action plan to achieve them, and cheer you on every step of the way. Just as having a personal trainer increases your odds of hitting your fitness goals, having a biz and financial coach in your corner increases your odds of making a plan, sticking to it, and starting to do the thing you love full-time!

CLICK HERE to book a FREE 30 minute Discovery Call to find out how I can help and if we’re a good fit to work together. I’m here to cheer you on, but I’m also here to keep you on track and push you out of your comfort zone. It’s how we grow!
