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The ADHD Entrepreneur: Finding Work/Life Balance

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room by asking, is work/life balance possible for any entrepreneur, let alone one with ADHD? I believe the answer is yes, but that the balance looks different than what you might expect. I don’t think work/life balance for anyone looks like balanced days, or even weeks. I think to see and feel balance we have to zoom out further and look at months, seasons, or even years. There will be times when work demands more attention and times when life does and we need to understand that, but also tune into what we need and not be afraid to adjust, and dare I say, even ask for help as needed. The most important thing is taking care of yourself because if we push too hard and hit burnout, we are often forced to take a substantial amount of downtime and as an entrepreneur, that can be really challenging.

so, what can we do to find out balance?

For us, work-life balance is more about flexibility, adaptability, and being kind to ourselves when things don't go exactly as planned. It can often involve lowering our expectations of ourselves, which is easier said than done, but I encourage you to look for areas in your business and life that you can give yourself a little more grace in.

Now, let’s have a look at a few things that might work for you to find a little more balance! 😊

1. Be Besties with Buffer Zones

Blocking time in your calendar could be a game-changer, but we ADHDers need a bit of a twist because we like to resist anything rigid and need our downtime. Try creating flexible blocks and include buffer zones. For instance, if you plan to work on a project from 9 AM to 11 AM, give yourself a 15-minute buffer before and after. This allows for any distractions or overestimations of how long something might take.

I do think with all my client meetings and I love that my scheduler let’s me do this. I can’t go from one meeting right into the next because sometimes we go a little over and I also need time to get up and move a little before the next thing in my schedule.

Actionable Tip: Start by blocking out your most important tasks for the day. And make sure to schedule breaks. Even if you only stick to it 70% of the time, it’s still a win.

2. Embrace the Power of Routines

Routines are another thing we tend to resist, but they can be a lifesaver for those of us with ADHD. The key is to create routines that are flexible and work with your natural energy levels. Morning and evening routines can help anchor your day, giving you a predictable framework to start and end your day.

Actionable Tip: Start small. Pick one part of your day where a routine could help—like your morning. Maybe it’s as simple as coffee, a five-minute stretch, and then diving into your top priority task. Consistency is key, so keep it simple. And when a routine starts to feel stale, don’t be afraid to switch it up.

3. Is it Time to Outsource?

Bad news, we can’t always do it all ourselves. 😱 ADHD brains tend to hyper-focus on some tasks while completely ignoring others, which can lead to imbalance and a stack of tasks that don’t get done. This is where outsourcing and delegation come in handy! Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant, automating repetitive tasks, or asking for help with things that drain your energy, it's a must.

Actionable Tip: Identify one task you dread or consistently procrastinate on and find a way to make it take up as much of your time as it does now. This might mean hiring someone on a platform like Fiverr, finding a way to automate it, or asking a friend or partner for help.

4. Set Boundaries and Actually Stick to Them

Boundaries are your best friend when it comes to work-life balance. This could be setting specific work hours, deciding when you'll unplug from email and social media, or establishing rules about when you can be interrupted during your work time. This is another area to give yourself grace with because it’s easier to set them than stick to them.

Actionable Tip: Pick one boundary you want to set this week. It might be as simple as “No work after 7 PM” or “Phones off during dinner.” Communicate this boundary to those around you and hold yourself accountable. Bonus action tip: Find a way to use technology to help you. Screentime apps or phone settings are great, or you may even consider not having your work email on your phone so it’s not as easily accessible.

5. Practice Saying No (and Mean It)

Saying no can be challenging AF, especially when you’re passionate about your business and want to seize every opportunity to help and connect with people. But for those of us with ADHD, it’s essential to avoid overwhelm. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re missing out; it means you’re protecting your time and energy for the things that truly matter.

Actionable Tip: Before agreeing to any new task, project, or opportunity, give yourself a pause. Ask yourself a few questions like:

“Do I have the bandwidth for this right now?”

“Is this something I want to do?”

“Does this support the goals I have for my business and my life?

If the answer is no, practice saying, “I’d love to, but I need to pass this time.”

And remember that you don’t need to provide a lot of backstory for why you’re saying no.

6. Leverage ADHD-Friendly Tools and Apps

There’s no shortage of tools and apps designed to help with focus, time management, and organization. Whether it’s a project management tool like Trello or a focus app like BePresent, the right tools can make a huge difference in managing your time and energy.

Actionable Tip: Pick one tool that addresses your biggest struggle (like distraction or task management) and commit to using it consistently for a month. Evaluate how it helps and adjust as needed. When looking for a tool that fits your need set a timer and give yourself 10 mintues to decide or you can get lost in the search to find the perfect app!

7. Prioritize Self-Care as a Non-Negotiable

Self-care isn’t just bubble baths and meditation (though those are great, too). It’s about making sure you’re meeting your basic needs—sleep, nutrition, exercise, and mental health. When you take care of yourself, you have more energy, focus, and resilience to handle the demands of entrepreneurship.

Actionable Tip: Identify one self-care activity you can integrate into your daily routine. It could be as simple as a 10-minute walk, a short meditation session, or ensuring you drink enough water throughout the day.

8. Batch Similar Tasks Together

Task switching can be a major productivity killer, especially for ADHD brains, even though we think we can jump from task to task like super heros, this is in fact, not the case! Batching similar tasks together—like answering emails, doing social media updates, or handling administrative work—can help maintain focus and reduce the mental load.

Actionable Tip: Look at your to-do list and group similar tasks. Set aside specific time blocks to complete these batches, and try to stay on task without switching to something else until the batch is done.

9. Recognize and Respect Your Energy Patterns

ADHDers often have fluctuating energy levels throughout the day, and month for those of us with monthly cycles. Some of us are morning people, others hit their stride in the afternoon or evening. Recognizing your energy patterns and planning your days, and weeks around them can significantly improve productivity and work-life balance.

Actionable Tip: For one month, track your energy levels at different times of the day. Then, start scheduling your most challenging or creative tasks during your peak energy times and save less demanding tasks for when your energy dips. Bonus if you have a monthly cylce to keep an eye on it as you document your energy levels throughout the month. Generally the 7-10 days before and during our periods tend to be our lowest energy days.

10. Celebrate Your Wins

If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while, you know this is one that comes up a lot. That’s because, with ADHD, it's easy to focus on what didn’t get done or where things went off track. When something does go well, we don’t even take a beat before we are onto the next thing, but celebrating small wins is crucial for staying motivated and feeling accomplished. And remember, balance isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. It’s okay to adjust your approach as you learn what works best for you.

Actionable Tip: At the end of each day, write down one thing you accomplished—no matter how small. Even if that thing is relaxing if that’s what you had planned for the day! Reflect on what worked and what didn’t, and don’t be afraid to tweak your routines and strategies accordingly.

My parting Thoughts

Building a sustainable work-life balance as an entrepreneur with ADHD is not easy, and it isn’t about perfection. It’s about finding rhythms that work for you and setting boundaries that protect your time and energy while also being flexible enough to adjust as needed. By implementing a few or all of these ADHD-friendly tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a balance that allows both you and your business to thrive. Remember, small, consistent steps will get you there.

If managing (or avoiding) your money is taking up way too much of your time and mental energy, know that it doesn’t have to be that way. As a financial coach with ADHD who helps ADHD entrepreneurs, I am here to help you simplify and streamline things on the business and personal side. I’d love to chat with you in a free consultation to get to know you and see if we are a good fit to work together.