Money Mindset

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Take Me or Leave Me! The 6 Shifts to Becoming My Authentic Self!

If you’ve been around for a little while, and follow me on my social media accounts, you have likely heard me drop an f-bomb or two and really let all of me shine through in my videos and posts. You have probably read or listened to me being truly vulnerable when something has not gone the way I had hoped and heard me say the words ‘super excited’ more times than you can count. If you are an OG follower of my journey, you may remember a time not too long ago, that I was much more reserved and held a lot of me back. Today, I want to walk you through my journey and share with you how showing up as my authentic self all the time has changed my life, and helped my business to grow. I could likely write a novel out of these stories (and very well may one day), but I’ll give you the roadmap to my transition in point for to save us both some time!

-   In July of 2017 I got fired from a long-term leadership role in manufacturing. This job placed a lot of expectations on my shoulders and I added even more because that was the old me – always trying to please everyone and overdeliver on everything I did. (Seriously, I need you to look at your current job and think about how it is impacting your life! I can see clearly now how difficult I was to live with for way too long.)

-   In October of 2017 I went on a pre-booked trip (because I had to vacation travel to avoid work calls even while off work) to Peru to hike the Inca Trail. The trip was wonderful but the people I met on the trip caused the shift because they all loved their jobs! This was so eye opening for me because up until then a job was an income to me, not something I actually enjoyed. So, here’s my message to you, YOU can have a career you love! If you’re not there now, I want you to start dreaming about what that looks like for you.

-   Around the same time of the trip my very patient husband said that I was a different person to live with, in a good way. This really made me reflect on how difficult I had been to live with before that. Quick shoutout to my hubby, he’s one of the most patient people I know.

-   My first meeting with my career coach after my trip was life changing. She saw the changes in me and asked why. I told her that it was because I met so many people who loved their jobs and I wanted that too. She pushed me to think about what that would look like for me and that was when I first found financial coaching.

-   After launching my business, I connected with so many other female entrepreneurs who were bravely following their dreams too. These women continue to inspire me every day. I am so grateful to say that my network of fellow entrepreneurs continues to grow! I want you to know that your circle matters!

-   Probably the most significant shift for me was a conversation with my financial coaching mentor. We were on a call and that was supposed to be a group call, but it was just the two of us. I can’t remember how the conversation started but I remember that it ended with me being ready to take a huge leap to letting my true self shine through in my business. My followers were in for a whole new sweary me! I had been holding this back for a long time, worried that people would be offended. My mentor helped me understand that while yes, I may not be everyone’s cup of tea, by letting all of me shine, I would connect with and attract the people that I am meant to help!

Listen, I know that stepping into your true self and finding the career path that you are meant to be on sounds scary and maybe even a little impossible. Old Sherry would never have dreamed I could be where I am today, so I get it! But I am here to challenge you to take a step back and think about what you want your life to look like. You are capable of HUGE things and to accomplish them you have to be ready to do the work! Are you ready?

Writing this blog post and thinking about how much my life had changed and who guided me along the way has really helped me to see that I could never have done this on my own. If I had tried, I would be a lot further back on my path today. The two biggest pivotal moments in my journey were helped along by a career coach and my financial coaching mentor, who I also consider my coach. Having these women in my life supporting me is the reason I am where I am today. I know I am a little biased of course, but coaches really will change your life. If you want a different life than you have right now, it’s time to put a coach in your corner. If you’ve been following along for a while, and feel like I am a good fit to get you to your next level, it’s time to jump in and book your free 20 min Zoom call with me to learn about your options. While it starts with coaching around your money, it almost always turns into so much more for my clients.
