Money Mindset

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Ready to Grow Your Business? It’s Time to Invest in YOURSELF!

If you have been here long enough, you know I do not sugar coat anything. Today I am going to be more blunt than usual. NOT investing in yourself is costing you TIME and MONEY! There is always room to grow somewhere, and holding off on investing in yourself in areas like coaching, education, your HEALTH, even time AWAY is holding you and your business back.

Types of Investments

There are so many different ways to invest in yourself, and there is probably something in mind already that you’ve been putting off!

  • Educational course to further your knowledge in your field.

  • Personal trainer to keep you physically and mentally on your game.

  • Nutrition coach to keep your brain focused and body healthy.

  • A weekend away in an airbnb for some well deserved self-care.

  • OR perhaps a business and money coach to help you push past some roadblocks that are holding you back. :)

Make it a GOAL

Making an investment in yourself should not be a dream, it should be a GOAL. If your goal is large, break it up into several smaller goals, set clear targets to hit each goal and set a target date. I recommend setting different levels for your goal, such as “good”, “better” and “best” goals. If you hit your “best goal”, you still have a challenge in front of you to keep going!

Example: You have a goal of $1000 to invest in yourself. You build a plan and budget, $250/month that is earmarked for your overall goal without reducing spending or increasing income.

“Good” = $250/month, target date is 4 months

“Better” = $300/month, target date is less than 3.5 months

“Best” = $500/month, target date is 2 months

Your “best” goal should feel like you have no idea how you could even make it happen! Like the stars need to align for you to succeed! If you hit this goal, you will feel unstoppable!

Budget and get Creative

If you feel like there is no wiggle room financially for your investment, it is time to sit down and get creative with your budget! Don’t have a budget? CLICK HERE for my free budget tool to get you started! Get creative with how you can either increase your income, reduce your expenses, or both. Cutting expenses and spending can feel shitty, but think about what you are working towards investing in. Is the item you are cutting more important than investing in yourself?

Cutting Expenses

Start by tracking your spending to get a good grasp of where it is going. Then build a plan for your money and designate where you want it to go each month. After doing this you will have a better understanding of where you can cut expenses.

Increasing Income

Here is where you can get really creative! Do you love refurbishing old furniture? Collecting baseball cards or types of electronics? Whatever it is that you know the value of, go on the hunt for these items to purchase below market value and resell them after giving them some TLC for a higher value. Start a side hustle doing something you love! Is that walking dogs? Making something by hand such as jewellery? There is no limit here! Or find a part-time job! Do you love chatting with and meeting new people? Get a job at your local coffee shop to pick up the extra cash you need to meet your goal!

No, this will NOT be easy! It is, however, worth it! You’ve got this! If you are ready to invest in coaching to reach these goals, start a side hustle, or take a step further to quit your 9-5, CLICK HERE to book a FREE 30 minute Discovery Call. I would love to help you get there!
