Money Mindset

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Ready to Ditch Your Scarcity Mindset?

Knowing a scarcity mindset is holding you back puts you 10 steps ahead of the crowd because so many people are stuck and don’t know why. Kudos to you for tuning into your mindset and looking for ways to turn up the dial on your abundance mindset.

Understanding where the scarcity mindset is coming from is the key to change and calling in abundance. To start you have to understand where it came from. Your reality could be that it has been around for as long as you can remember, and that’s okay. What is most important is that you are ready to change!

1 - To understand where the scarcity mindset came from. Find a quiet spot with a journal or notebook and start by asking yourself these questions to help you reflect.

  • How long have you been feeling a scarcity mindset?

  • What event(s) were happening in your life when you started feeling scarcity?

  • What is happening in your life right now that is adding to your negative mindset?

  • How has your mindset impacted your life recently (last 1-2 months)?

  • What actions have you been taking (or avoiding) that are keeping you feeling stuck in a scarcity mindset?

2 - Look for signs of abundance in your life today! Here are a few questions to help you.

  • Reflect back on the last 6-7 months and write down as many positive things that have happened to you? Think about things big and small that you are grateful for.

  • What are three things you are grateful for today?

  • What are 2-3 positive things happening in your financial life right now?

  • What are a few things that you are coming up in your life that you are looking forward to?

We will always be further behind than others, but we will also be ahead of so many people as well. If you focus on the negatives, not only will it be at the forefront of your mind, it will also attract more negativity into your life.

3 - Add in small habits to continually improve your mindset. Here are a few daily habits to support the changes you’re looking to make.

  • Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for each day.

  • Write down 5-10 goals, but write them as if they have already happened. Instead of writing: I want to travel twice a year, write: I travel twice per year.

  • Stop avoiding your finances. It can feel overwhelming to start, but being able to see exactly where you stand financially can help you in so many ways. I know the B word gets a bag rap, but having a Budget is the solid foundation to long term financial success at ALL income levels. If diving into the numbers on your own feels overwhelming, I’d love to connect with you to chat about how we can make it easier for you. I offer a free consultation which you can book HERE!

Once you have your plan built, find a system that works for you to check in on how things are going. You have to be an active participant in managing your finances. Checking in regularly is an important part of this process. At a minimum you should be checking in once a week.

Your mindset won’t shift overnight, but when you start to add in these regular habits, and put in the work to better understand yourself and your mindset, you will be surprised at how far you’ve come in a short amount of time. I recommend adding a reminder to your phone to help support you to build consistency with your new habits and because phone reminders help me manage so many aspects of my life!

If you have any questions, please reach out. You can email me HERE!

Have an amazing day!
