Money Mindset

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How to Conquer Your Fears

In the last few days, fear has been on my mind. Fear is a very interesting emotion, in that it is based on our expectations that something bad will happen to us. In a very limited number of situations, it can keep us safe, but in a lot of situations, it prevents us from doing something that would improve us.

A personal example was my fear of putting myself out there, specifically in the live video format. This used to SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME for a very long time. In January of 2019, I decided it was enough and I recorded and shared my first video (may have recorded 367 versions before I found one I liked). I had been sharing financial tips and information online, then I started to share pictures of myself to take a small step towards my goal. It is now June of 2020 and I barley think about it when I’m about to record a video or go live! It seems so crazy to me now that I used to panic when I thought about doing a video.

I get asked quite often, how I do it. How do I do live recordings and share videos without even thinking about it? I unfortunately do not have an easy answer, you have to do the work. The answer it so go out and do it! The more videos you share, the easier it gets. The more lives you do, the easier it gets. Something that helped a lot, was the positive feedback I received from people about the videos. Knowing that people were watching and making changes to their finances as a result of something I shared on a video is a huge motivator! What if I hadn’t recorded a video that was key to someone taking control of their money??? I don’t need to be responsible for that! J

What is fear holding you back from right now? What small steps can you take towards reducing your fear? Start with something small, once you see that there were no negative consequences, it makes the next step seem less scary. You doing the scary thing will impact someone else. You doing the scary thing will change your life.

Need a little more help to convince yourself to overcome a fear? Get your journal out and start writing about  ‘what is the worst thing that could happen if I do xyz?’ Then expand on that and think what the impact will be if the worst happens. For me, when I think back to my fear of FB/Instagram lives, the worst thing that could happen is that I screw up. Maybe I stumble over my words or say something stupid. What would really happen if I screwed up? Only the people that are watching live would know, because I get to decide if I share the video to others. The reality is that the number of people that are watching live, especially when you’re starting out, is not very big, so the potential for embarrassment is pretty low. You’re ‘screw up’ could make your audience fall in love with you a little more or inspire someone to do their first live. Think of the impact you could have if you push past your fears!!

I encourage you to push past your fears, one small step at a time. Not only will you feel damn proud of yourself, you will inspire those around you that are watching! Go get uncomfortable so you can push yourself to level up.



P.S. If feel free to share your fears with me, and your plans to ditch them!