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Hormones + Productivity for ADHD Individuals with Monthly Cycles

Today’s topic does not get enough attention: hormones and ADHD productivity for those of us with a monthly cycle. You’re in the wrong place if the topic made you think yuck, I don’t want to know about that (BYE)!

I'm talking about that rollercoaster ride of estrogen, progesterone, and all those other fun hormones that can make life a bit more interesting (and challenging). Understanding how these hormonal shifts affect our ADHD brains can be a game-changer for boosting productivity and reclaiming our time.

The Hormonal Rollercoaster

First things first, let's talk about our monthly cycle. Our hormones are constantly in flux, like every damn day! Estrogen and progesterone levels rise and fall throughout the month, and these fluctuations can impact our ADHD symptoms in surprising ways.

The Impact on ADHD Symptoms

Ever notice how some days you're on fire, knocking out tasks left and right, while other days it feels like you're wading through molasses? If you are on meds for ADHD, you may also feel like some days they aren’t doing anything. Blame it on the hormones. When estrogen levels are high, many ADHD folks experience a boost in focus, energy, and mood. But when progesterone takes the wheel, things can get a bit wonky. Progesterone has a sedating effect and can leave us feeling more sluggish, forgetful, and easily distracted than ‘normal.’

Timing Is Everything

Knowing when these hormonal shifts occur can help us better plan our days and tasks. For many of us, the week leading up to our period (aka the luteal phase) can be a bit of a struggle. Progesterone is at its peak during this time, so it's essential to cut ourselves some slack and prioritize rest and self-care. Maybe that means scheduling fewer meetings or tackling simpler tasks that require less mental energy. Since I’ve been paying attention to my cycle and learning about the impact of hormones, I’ve been noticing I need more sleep during this time.

Tips for Riding the Hormonal Wave

So, how can you lean into your hormones to maximize productivity? Here are a few tips to help you navigate the ups and downs of your monthly cycle:

  1. Track Your Cycle: Whether you use a fancy app or paper calendar, tracking your cycle can help you anticipate when you might be feeling more (or less) productive. Earlier this year, I bought an Oura ring, and I love how it helps me with this.

  2. Plan Ahead: Take advantage of those high-energy days during the first half of your cycle to tackle bigger projects or engage in activities that require more focus. Save the more routine tasks for when your energy dips. I’m trying out creating all my social media content during this time because I feel like my head is in a better place for it.

  3. Practice Self-Compassion: Cut yourself some slack during the luteal phase. Remember, it's okay to have off days, and it doesn't mean you're any less capable. Take breaks when you need them, and focus on activities that bring you joy.

  4. Experiment and Adjust: Everyone's body is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. Don't be afraid to experiment with different strategies and adjust your routine as needed.

  5. Let’s Talk About It: Share this info and article with your friends because the more we talk about it, the better. It’s time to stop beating ourselves up for not being ‘consistent’ with our productivity!

Navigating ADHD and a monthly cycle can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to better understand and appreciate our bodies' natural rhythms. By tuning into our hormonal fluctuations and learning how to work with them, we can unlock new levels of productivity and reclaim our time. So here's to embracing the hormonal rollercoaster and riding it like the badass ADHDer you are!